(7) bad ideas

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i'm not even gonna explain myself, love y'all though❤ :)


looking through his contacts, tsukishima scrolled down until the bottom.

"snake-lizard hybrid whore".

he still kept all his contacts from his highschool days. he would never admit it but for memories sake, and plus the crack-headed trio that consists of; tanaka, noya, and takatora still keep them all connected. there was always such a tension between daishou and his boyfriends, sexual? probably. them having a threesome wouldn't surprise him. the way they look at each other feels like an enemies-to-lovers type of thing.

kuroo despises daishou, bokuto despises daishou because kuroo despises daishou, and akaashi just doesn't like him. maybe they're exes? would make sense if they were.

tsukishima gained daishou's number after yamaguchi, terushima, and him all started recently dating. it was a surprise to the team but the dynamic between them was admittedly cute. in the words of yachi, "a mix between sweet, salty and... scandalous." would he tell yamaguchi that he and daishou kinda look like step-siblings? no, but they still keep in touch.

sending a couple of texts to yamaguchi in advance, he tapped on daishou's contact. pressing call, he waited for the other to pick up the phone.


tsukishima knows kuroo doesn't like him talking to daishou, sometimes in a playful manner, other times-"he's a snake cheating bastard😐".

that's how the contact name happened, but after long moments of thinking, they're totally exes. bokuto, bless his heart, gets a bit overprotected over tsukki when he's around despite the ex-captain already dating someone. y'know dating his best friend, but he doesn't blame the owl-like boy. akaashi always pulls him closer, a simple act of affection but adorable nonetheless.

in all honesty he doesn't quite understand why the three don't trust the other boy. he himself has complete faith in the boy to be loyal towards yamaguchi (well, he better be) as well as terushima. even though he hated the other blonde when they first met, he still deserves a good partner.

remembering how kuroo would always mumble about the green-haired boy being a scheming loser and bokuto backing him up, as akaashi subtly nods, he'll disregard it for now.

as long as his freckled friend is fine with it.


after setting up dinner, getting everything ready the three boys sat in the living room. of course, they would never start dinner without the 4th lover, and although they're a bit concerned they'll wait for him to come down himself. all of them on the couch, bokuto laid between kuroo's legs and his head on his chest, while kuroo's head was pillowed by akaashi's lap.

"i'm just sayin' tets, they would be such a good couple!"

"baby, you're only saying that because you think all lesbians look good together."

"sounding a little homophobic there hun."

"ever since he's met yachi-chan, he thinks kiyoko-san and kanoka-san would all look good together."

"they would!!!"

"they totally would tetsurou."

"...yeah they would."

"i'm telling you lesbians stay superior."

"are you quoting ushijima?-"


the phone rang in his hand, silently waiting he looked towards the ceiling before he heard a 'click'.


this was probably a bad idea he thought, but realized the entire thing was stupid so might as well keep going.


three boys jealous over a phone (bokuakakurotsuki)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora