(5) basking

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apologies for the wait! i hope you enjoy this chapter🕺

I'm still developing my writing style if you haven't noticed, so i also apologise if this chapter seems different from all the others. well if you can even see any differences that is.


basking in the warmth of the soft blankets, tsukishima stared at the ceiling, his phone laying next to him.

hinata had just finished telling him about how his fiance, kageyama, nearly threw a tantrum in the living room over how little the green-haired boy paid attention to him; causing the both of them to go through a fit of laughter and sarcastic remarks from the blonde boy. the call ended after kageyama had nearly thrown another tantrum since hinata had stopped cuddling with him to talk to tsukishima.

sighing, he changed his position on the bed to lay more comfortably, choosing to start staring at the window by the right side of the bed from where he was lying. it had been 2 hours since akaashi had left and the younger started to grow bored. he expected him to come back by now.

pushing his glasses back up to the bridge of his nose, he wondered if he should go into the kitchen and see what they were up to, though that would've been hard since he had to ignore them. sighing, he faintly smelled the scent of kuroo's cooking from the kitchen that subtly lingered through the air.

repressing the urge to groan, tsukishima carefully took his glasses off; setting them down on the bedside table that was to his left.

grabbing one of the pillows he smushed his face against it.


the three boys were primarily tsukishima's source of entertainment, especially since the challenge practically revolved around him getting a reaction from them. though, because all 3 of them were in a separate room to him, he couldn't tell what they were talking about without him or see the expressions on their faces. ultimately boring him.

after all, he wasn't doing this for nothing. getting a reaction was the whole point of it.


akaashi felt beyond irritated.

he couldn't believe he felt so worried when he first arrived home to only find out it was completely over nothing. his eyes obviously showing hints of exasperation in the metallic gleams of his as he walked down the hallway from the bedroom and to the kitchen.


turning the element down, kuroo felt his frosted-tipped husband wrap both of his arms around his neck from the back, embracing him as well as pressing his forehead against the back of the raven-haired boy's head. smiling softly, he turned around to face his lover. although most of the time the two of them are loud and annoying there are times when the two appreciate a bit of quite affection. simple embraces like these are one of the many things that continuously draw kuroo closer to the relationship.

wrapping his arms around bokuto's waist, he pulled him in, tilting his head forward. their foreheads were gently pressed against each other. both of them listening to each other's breathing pattern, they relaxed in the embrace. 

enjoying the small silence in one and other arms, they didn't feel the need to talk. simply just resting. basking in each other's company. only stopping when akaashi had made his way into the kitchen. 


the scene he was met with as he stepped into the kitchen made his face soften, though who could blame him? it was all too adorable. the image of two of the most loudest and energetic people he had ever met having such an endearing as well as peaceful moment together was beyond him.

 feeling the corners of his lips twitching to form a loving as well as gentle smile he remembered what he was here for. but maybe he could stay a little bit longer just to enjoy the view of his perfect lovers.

of course, it didn't take long for the two to realize akaashi was there. kuroo placing a small kiss on bokuto's plump lips, he still held onto the boy; only just placing his head back to where it was before. 

"how's tsukki doing? is everything okay?"


three boys jealous over a phone (bokuakakurotsuki)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz