Chapter seventeen - Mixed emotions

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"I do not follow my child."

Teary eyed I bowed for the last time in my Father's presence.

"I'm no longer your Princess Father, I am just Amasa."

Making my way out, I looked at the defeated man sitting on the throne, who grasped at any opportunity to feel happy and remember his former glory, not realizing that in that exact moment, what he valued the most was slipping away.

"Do remember to rest Father, Goodbye."

"Goodbye my dear."

Feeling overwhelmed by emotion, I entered into my hut, organizing the essentials I needed for my escape. I did not shed a single tear while packing, and yet my heart was the heaviest it had ever been. I was finally going through with something, I was putting out into reality, it was not just in my head. No action would convince me to do otherwise.

 The Pokoda palace inundated me. I was saddened by the realization that only I completely understood my heart's desires and because of that, only I could cause the actuality of my true intent, what my heart ached for. It could only be me that could precisely look out for myself. I had to stop crying to do that. I had to learn how to function and be strong even when I felt alone.


Runesu stood close to the Pokoda walls way before sunset in anticipation for Menhe's arrival. She was anxious and could not do anything of use anymore. Rubbing her hands together and pacing, she thought of all of the scenarios that could turn out.

"Was he caught up? But then again I came early."

Runesu murmured to herself as someone who was possessed.

A twig snapped behind her and she clung her chest in shock.

"Ahh! Vabhebhe you scared me!"

"What are you doing here at this time Runesu?"

Vabbhebhe held a rusero filled with numerous herbs he had presumably just picked from the fields.

"I thought to pick Mazhanji."

"There are plenty that are at the servant headquarters..."

"I wanted to pick some for myself personally, fresh and all."

Runesu nervously answered back.

"Runesu... they were picked this afternoon."

Vabhebhe sighed and sternly looked at Runesu.

"You take me for a fool hee? I have lived much longer than you Runesu, you are agemates with my second son."

Runesu needed Vabhebhe to leave, he was going to stall everything.

"Vabhebhe please, just leave me alone.."

"No Runesu stop! I have played along for long enough! Why are you carrying a bow on your back? And why can't you pronounce simple Pokoda words like Mazhanje correctly huh?"

Vabhebhe had never been so stern and serious like this to her before.

"You undermine my intelligence Runesu, you really do. Did you think that a person as social as me wouldn't know that you questionably appeared in the village a couple of corn seasons back and infiltrated your way to work for Amasa through Muvuri? Come on, even I was part of battle strategies during the war in my time."

"Vabhebhe you are mistaken..."

Runesu was apprehensive to speak, she could confirm Vabhebhe's doubts if she didn't choose her words wisely. She wasn't even sure if this was serious, this was Vabhebhe of all people.

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