Start from the beginning

As soon as the pistol gave him its look, there came a sense of venture in him. He said to himself, 'This is the way out, Ed. The only way. You are gonna strive all your life to attain what you couldn't in all these years but you would not get anywhere but to the beginning, worn out worse than ever. Nor is your family gonna be out of the rumpus. At the end you will have nothing, not even this house of your ancestors, the heritage of their blood and sweat. This selfish world doesn't give a fuck about you. Already in a pile of debts... if you don't do anything yet, no one is going to live long. Believe in the power of the Satan, Ed... Yes... He's my savior. He's the light I had been searching for all this time. He will protect my family up there with him and not let me lose anything. I will not lose anything. He will grant me the salvation I have been waiting for'

And then his eyes were filled with sheer intent and determination. He was way past of his knowledge over what's right or what's wrong. He only wanted his revenge and his family's well-being. All through the months his brain had been washed down to the shanks, lacking him of wisdom or a basic thinking ability. He was firm on his legs now and gripping the pistol in his hands more tightly, he moved forward.

He had the keys for the door this time. He took them out and opened the door. There was still silence prevailing on the first floor with just faint playful giggles from above.

Getting in and slowly closing the door behind him, he looked across the mansion. When her eyes fell upon his mother, he moved towards him, only to stop after a couple of steps. He thought about something and put the pistol back into the back pocket of his trousers. The thought -- What if they hear the gunshot and flee? -- must have crossed his mind.

He went to the dining room on his toes and picked up the knife above the table. He was making sure there was no unwanted sound. He thrusted the knife into his right boot. Coming out of the room, he went straight into the hall and stood behind her mother, who was still sitting on the one-chair couch, with her eyes on the verge of falling down. She was feeling drowsy. Pulling out the knife and holding it up, Edward was ready to back stab her when --

'You home?', she asked slowly and suddenly with her shaking voice. Edward was caught with unease. He immediately pushed the knife back into the shoe. 'You know... I know... When you are here'. This was unexpected by him. He wanted to finish it all from the back. Having realised he has to face his mother, he walked across the chair and stood in front of her, quietly. This was the first time he was looking straight into the eyes of his mother in months.

'What happened?... You in--'

Seeing her mother's face melted him. He broke down and started weeping. He dropped on his knees and held his mother's legs. 'I am sorry, momma... I am so sorry'

She didn't have the strength in her arms to grab the arms of her son and make him stand up . She could just witness her son weeping in front of her, on her legs. Her heart was aching at the scene. Tears came into her eyes too.

'Sta--stan--stand up, Ed', she said weakly. Sniffling, Edward looked up and again started crying bitterly. Now his mother was also desperate to help her son. She tried to move her arms up, slowly.

She had been weakened since years, perhaps. She was too frail to even walk on her own. She had been using a walking stick, which itself looked quite old.

Bearing all the pain in her joints, she eventually got both her hands over Edward's shoulder with an intention to make him stand. Her hands were still shaking terribly.

'Don't you worry, Ed... You will be... Fine', she said.

'I didn't know momma how to get out of it. This was my last chance. I don't know how to do this, but... I have to do it, momma... I have to'. His voice was lowering, burdened with guilt. 'I hope you will understand why I did this'.

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