Oh I know so much more about you!

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Yandere Blue x Dust
(Requested by me-)

It started when Blue first saw Dust one day, even he didn't know why but for some reason he felt attracted to this skeleton, he just did. he was confused. He knew he shouldn't love someone like him but...he did.

He watched Dust carefully and hoped he just grow out of this 'crush' of his. But he never did, each day he felt more love for him and it never faded. He subtly gained a habit of watching Duat for what seemed like hours and dreamed of being with him one day. But he knew it could never happened, I mean he'd probably just get kill by him but still, he can dream.

This continue for months with Blues feelings growing stronger each day. Till one day the secret got out about Blues 'little'crush.

He was walking when he saw Dust nearby and Blue frozen to shy to even move at the moment. Dust noticed and wanted to attack but saw how Blue was blushing and kinda sweating  he seemed frozen. Dust went up to him in confusion.

Dust: "um- hello?- you sick or something?-"

Blue tried to speak but all that came out was gibberish whichever confused Dust even more he was about to leave, when Blue finally said something in english-

Blue: "w-where are you going?-"

Dust turned dhis around back to the skeleton who still was kinda blushing

Dust: "to get more exp. But your kinda weirding me out so- im just gonna leave-"

Dust tried to walk away but Blue grabbed his arm

Blue: "wait! Please don't leave!"

Dust: "!- hey!-"

Dust immediately yanked back his arm and shot some bones at Blue but Blue dodged.

Blue: "Heh heh...look this may sound so weird but- can I talk with you?-"

Dust: "...why?."

Blue: "Just wanna get to know you better! *Insert awkward laughter*

Dust: "?...no."

Blue: "please! It's not like you have missions or plans today! Your next mission for Nightmare is tomorrow with Horror!-"

Blue immediately shut covered his mouth with his hand after he realized what he ahd just said, but Dust already heard.

Dust: "!-...how do you know that?."

Blue: "oh!- heheh just something I know-"

Dust: "...what else do you know?."

Blue: "Ooh! Nothing much just-"

Blue started to go on a whole rant about Dust including some personal information- Dust had enough anf shut Blue up

Dust: "!- Shut up!-"

Blue: "..."

Dust: "*sigh*...look you just wanna talk to me?."

Blue immediately nodded with a huge smile

Dust: "fine. But you'll promise to leave me alone. And stop gathering...wherever you got that information from- deal?"

Blue: "Deal!"

Blue crossed his fingers behind his back as he didn't mean to keep that part of the deal but wanted to to talk to Dust more than anything so it was win to him.
Dust just sighed.

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