“Whoa,” Kazuha said, astonished by the sight. At age ten, he never knew such a place could exist, could be so beautiful.

“Whoa indeed dude,” Tomo said, giggling. Grabbing Kazuha’s hand, he dragged him forward, the two boys heading further into the shrine, “let's go!”

Kazuha smiled at the memory, loving how Tomo looked when admiring the sight. It was pure and breathtaking innocence, so spirited, and respect for the location.

“We’re almost there,” Beidou said, breaking Kazuha’s concentration. Kazuha looked forward out the front car window and saw the small suburban town, Konda village. He smiles, happiness exploding in his heart. Excitement courses his veins, ecstatic to finally see his family for the first time in forever.

The taxicab entered the small town, being met with idyllic white homes and gates. Kazuha’s eyes zoomed around the area, very much feverous as he was hit with large waves of nostalgia and homesickness. He could see the parks he played in, the sidewalks he dashed, skipped, and hopped down on, and even the broken gate that would to someone’s backyard that he and Tomo would sneak into.

Then in the corner, he sees a black cat, with a white dot on the tip of its tail. The black cat beams at him, somehow making eye contact and staring into his soul. At first, he felt the cat was familiar, as if he knew where it was from, then he gasped, remembering.

“Tomo! Wait up!” Kazuha shouted out, hurrying after the never-ending friend. He never knew how, but Tomo always had energy, and it sometimes terrified his introverted self. Tomo giggles out loudly and then turns the corner, before gasping loudly. Kazuha’s eyes widen, worried so he sped up a bit, hoping Tomo wasn’t hurt.

“Tomo are you okay-” Kazuha said before immediately stopping, seeing Tomo kneel before something. He moved to the side, and saw it, astonished to see a small black cat, no collar and bearing a small white dot on its tail.

“Aren’t they adorable,” Tomo muttered, his eyes completely drawn to the small kitty. Tomo reached out, hoping to scratch its head. The cat meowed, taking a small step backward but eventually giving in and letting Tomo pat its head.

“So fluffy,” Tomo whispered.
Kazuha watched the scene before him, surprised that a cat was what made Tomo stop for once in his life.

“I wish I could adopt them,” Tomo whispered. Kazuha nodded, understanding. Both of their families had cat allergies, so it wasn’t wise for them to bring home a cat.

“Oh well, maybe when you’re older,” Kazuha bluntly said. Tomo nodded slightly, and then got up, smiling once more, his smile shining like the high noon sun in summer.

“Catch me if you can!” Tomo exclaimed again, before running off, down the street. Kazuha wailed, wishing to just be relaxing underneath a cool shade instead.

Kazuha was tempted to get out of the car and scoop up the cat but it was too late as the black cat had run off, heading into who knows where. Beidou gave Kazuha a small poke and he looked at her. She pointed to her window and Kazuha looked out, freezing. Outside he saw his house, the house he grew up in.

Gulping, he got out of the car, grabbing his stuff as Beidou pays the taxi driver. He hoped that the woman wouldn’t make too much of a fuss over the pricing, knowing she was a frugal woman. With their luggage in tow, Kazuha and Beidou stood outside the house, looking up.

“That taxi drive overcharged us,” he could hear Beidou mutter. Normally he would giggle or roll his eyes but he felt as if the world has frozen, slowly getting more silent. His eyes could only process his childhood home, examining the details that formed him.

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