Chapter 2:Psychiatrist

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Everyone was on their seats and waiting for Bill to start the video. Zenkichi has already accepted the fact that the school will be doomed, at lest je gets no work for now.

Bill:Alright guys. Thus one is more comedic than anything.

Saki:What's it called?

Bill:It's called:"Kumagawa goes to a psychologist".

Zenkichi:...That poor man.

Theere was a room with an average looking middle aged man. Kumagawa entered the room, he had a fake smile on his face.

Psychologist:Hello, Kumagawa. Let's begin. What appears to be the problem?

Kumagawa:[Well, I can't really sleep. I played Genshin Impact non-stop to preocupy my type. What do I do?]

Psychologist:Well, first we need to identify the root of this problem.

Kumagawa:[No, I was talking about Genshin Impact. I fell in love with Raiden Shogun.]

Medaka:Really? Do people often fell in love with a virtual character?


Mogana had her hand on her like a dissapointed mother. Meanwhile Kouki was whisttling, Gagamaru was convetionaly having a book covering his face and Zenkichi happened to find the floor very interesting.

Confused, Medaka looked at Najimi for an answer, because the boys in the room. The not-equal simply sighed.

Najimi:Boys will be boys.

Myouri was grinning, but he was no exception. His sister face palmed beside him.

Myouri:I mean, who hasn't?

Hanten was in much more luck than the others. His poker face made no indication if he was like the rest.

Psychologist:Usually, this will take many sesions working through the personal issues. Lucky for you, we have an alternative method.

He showed a machine behind him. It was composed of two chairs with two caskets united by many wires colired in various colors.

Psychologist:This is the newest invention in the matter of psychology. This machine will let us interculate our minds to see what the problem really is.

Zenkichi:Is there really an invention like that?

Hanosode:It's plot convenience, Zenkichi. Just go with it.

Saki:That aside, that guy has no idea what he's getting in.


Myouri:You said it, sis.

Kumagawa:[Your funerals.]

They got on the chairs and straped the caskets to their heads. It was just one fraction of a second, but the doctor felt like it was an enternity.

Zenkichi:Here it comes.

Kouki:This will not end well.

After that fraction of second, the psychologist fell to the floor in fetal position. He began to talk incoherently.

Psychologist:...Screws...Darkness...Chaos,beautiful chaos...My belove Anshin'in...Despair...Medaka-chan...HaHahaHahahahahaAh!

Kujira:As expected. Hm, maybe I should find that machine and use it with Kumagawa-senpai.

Myouri:Anyone observed that in his mind those two troublesome women were promenient enough for the psychologist to tell their names.

Kouki:Well, I think it's pretty obvius. Anshin'in-san is Kumagawa-san's first love and Medaka-chan is his nemesis. They need to be present in his thoughts quiet often.

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