4( The Pains That He Hide)

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"Lan Er Gongzi, I came to check on my sister! Look! I even brought you my invitation!". He waves the paper in front of him and smiled to this stone.

"Entering Cloud Recesses after 9.pm is forbidden. Breaking the barrier is forbidden. Strolling after curfew is forbidden". Lan Wangji said in his cold voice.

"Hump! So many rules!". He put his hands on his slim waist and accidentally make Lan Wangji saw his two jars of liquor.

"What is that?".

"Oh! This! This is Emperor's Smile!. I'll give you one and you'll let me go. Will you accept my offering?". He said as he show his liquor proudly.

"Alcohol is forbidden in Cloud Recesses. Bribing too is forbidden".  The coldness in his voice can reach in the deepest bone in human body.

Wei Ying almost flinch but hid it under his face mask very well and it's went unnoticed by other.

"Sorry, Wei Ying". Lan Zhan said and lowered his head in shame.

"No sorry needs between us". Wei Ying pat his husband's head.

"A-Zhan, you should reduce your coldness." Lan Shufang advise his son.

"Mn". Lan Zha said in full determination.

He know alcohol is heavily forbidden in Cloud Recesses. He saw the Rules Wall and already remembered it all deep in his head.

What?! He can remember those long(ass) rules in just a glance?!. And so, if he already know that it's not allowed to bring liquor, why still he bring those thing? Is it just because of his free soul and mischief?

But he really need these things now. He can't delay his work.

"Humph! What's not forbidden here?" He said and make an attempt to leave but the second jade quickly block his way with his sword.

Seeing the sharp blade, nervousness attack his heart. He can't use his sword now because he pointed all his spiritual energy to his back to suppress his injury for stopping his blood from keep flowing. If he fuse his yang energy to his sword, his spiritual energy source will change and the wounds will reopen then he will faint from blood lose.

His emotions really caught others off guard, making them suddenly want to remove their heart from the pain.

Lan Zhan cry and kiss his wife's forehead. His regret is not something that he can shove away. It's all his fault that Wei Ying need to suffer.

Faintly, all of them can hear the voice called A-Fu said in a weak voice.

"Foolish master".

As a spirit, he can understand what's happening.

Lan Zhan want to say sorry but Wei Ying block his lips with his own, getting a gasp from others in the room.

Many of them can feels their face are burning and jealousy hit them hard in the heart.

The second jade sure is very lucky.

Not wanting their heart to keep suffering,they move their gaze to the glowing screen.

He laugh nervously and look directly to the other and his nervous gone seeing the most handsome face he ever seen in his life. He can't see it clearly earlier as the latter standing in dark spot.

Lan Zhan ears burning and and get a teasing looks from his family.

"Umm..you look cute, why don't you smile?". His uneasiness all gone and he can feel is calmness seeing his cold face. The reason? He don't know!

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