33: "If I Can't Have You, No One Can"

Start from the beginning

He looked up from the paper he was writing on and adjusted his glasses.

"What can I do for you dear?" Roger chuckled.

"Nothing actually. I'm just coming to tell you that I'm going out for a while. Like an hour give or take."

"Ah yes. That's no problem. I'll call the kids inside then," he stood from his chair and straightened his suit, "Run along now." he shooed her away.

"You realize I'm not 9 right?" Y/n laughed, "Or an insect."

"You realize my name isn't 'Boss man Rogers' right?"

Y/n gasped, placing a hand over her chest, "Touché, Big R."

Roger laughed, "Even worse."

Y/n left and grabbed her car keys and some flowers she bought earlier while Roger got all the kids inside.

The car ride with herself was silent. She didn't listen to any music or the radio. Her destination wasn't that far, less than 5 minutes away.

Winchester was really beautiful around this time of the year.

The snow had not come down yet which was worrying as it would be snowing in early November.

Her thoughts were pushed aside when she reached Winchester's Cemetery.

Stepping out of the car, she inhaled deeply before locking her car and entered.

Walking, she noticed the gravestones in the distance.

Approaching two in particular, she smiled.

"Hey Dad." she looked to the next gravestone, "Hey Watari."

She sat two yellow roses on each grave.

Y/n sat cross legged in front them both, "Miss me?" She laughed, "Because I sure as hell miss both of you."

"We got a couple new kids in the orphanage three days ago, they seem to be doing well." she tried to smile, "I also went around to baking cookies for them too."

Y/n laughed to herself, "You both would have laughed at me if you saw me making that. I burnt myself twice."

"I don't really do anything much these days. I just take look after the kids and just assist in the Kira case. Files and what not. Nothing exciting. I can't wait for this while thing to be solved then L and I could spend time with each other. We haven't been all that great. Before he left for Japan, all we were doing was arguing and not really talking to each other." Y/n sighed, "We'll get over it. I'm sure."

She looked over to Watari's grave, "Lawliet is close to catching Kira. I know you're been proud of him."

"He's confronting him now as we speak. I'm scared as hell but I have faith in him. He'll be okay, right?"

Y/n hadn't even realize she was crying until she saw her vision blurry.

She blinked a couple times and felt the tears go down her cheeks.

Sniffling, she wiped her tears.

"I just wished you two were here, you know? I can't stand it sometimes, it isn't fair."

She giggled, "Watari, I know if you were here you'd be saying 'Well life isn't fair sweetheart'."

Y/n placed a hand over her father's grave, not caring if the dirt messied her hand.

"And if you were here dad you'd be telling me to stop crying." she sobbed harder not bothering to wipe her face as the pain in her heart grew, "You always hated when I cried. Difference is now you can't hold me to tell me everything is going to be okay."

"I wish you guys were never taken from me."

Retracting her hand, she dusted her hands and hugged herself, "Why were you taken from me?"

After a couple minutes of living in their presence in silence, she sighed.

"I love you, dad." Y/n stood and dusted her pants, "I love you too, Watari."

Y/n sniffled, "I'm off to burn some more cookies so I'll check you guys soon, yeah?" 

She left but didn't go to her car. There was a park nearby. The same park she first met Matt, Near and Mello.

It was very close by so she didn't bother driving.

As Y/n walked, she felt a bit better. Talking with Watari and her dad always did as it brought her comfort.

The cool evening evening breeze flew through her hair.

Her phone in her back pocket buzzed, making he stop to fish it out of her pocket.

Before she could power it on, a rag flew over her mouth and nose. Her eyes widen as she realized what was happening.

First thing she wanted to do was cry for help but there were no stores or houses.

No people around.

There was nothing nearby but grass. Y/n wasn't close to the park for anyone there to hear her. Other than that she was practically screwed.

Her hands tries prying the hand off her face but then she realized the smell.


Immediately she held her breath as she trashed around trying to get out of her attacker's grasp. The phone fell out of the girl's hand. Y/n heavily stomped on the foot behind her.

She heard a grunt and the attacker's grip loosened. Y/n took the opportunity to take the hands off her and ran.

The chloroform started its effect because Y/n felt a bit sleepy and tired. Heavy footsteps were heard behind her but she wasn't simply fast enough.

The strong pair of arms wrapped around her waist as the cloth clammed back down over her mouth and nose.

Before Y/n knew it, she was out cold.

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