New Lord

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The Lords were getting ready for a meeting as Priestess Mother Miranda ordered. One of the lords travels with her daughters as they were old enough and mature to attend their mothers meetings.

"My lady..."

"What is stable boy?!" Lady shouted from inside of her carriage, the daughters giggled and whispered things.

The carriage suddenly stopped. Which made the Lady upset as she likes to get to her meetings on time without any distractions. She climbs out of her carriage and looks at her only stable boy.

"Why has my carriage stopped? My meeting starts soon, do you want me to be late!?" She yells at him as he didn't say anything, "Cat got your tongue?!" She added, the stable boy points as he had a petrified look.

"Not a cat, my lady...but a wolf..." He still points.

The lady turns her head to where her stable boy was pointing, then she sees a wolf. It's fur was black as night, it had a scar on the right eye, which the eyes were different than a average wolf. It was her size in height. All the wolf did, it glares at her but the Lady was not going to miss her meeting for a stupid creature.

"Move along pet! I'll cut your fur and wear it as a winter coat!!" Lady shouted by showing no mercy with her claws.

The wolf sits there, shakes it's head and howls into the bright early morning. One of the daughters came out and was blown away of the sight of the wolf.

"Mother, that's a Valley-Mountain Black Wolf. They should've been extinct years ago..." One daughter said, she was well known for her knowledge of books.

"Daughter back in the carriage now!" The Lady orders her and she took a step forwards but the wolf slowly walks off the road into the woods. Still glaring until it disappears into the woods and was never to be seen again.

She retracts her claws back into her hand and tells the stable boy to double the move as she already felt like she was running late. She gets back into the carriage and looks at her youngest daughter.

"Daniela Dimitrescu, you can't do that, you may not know what that wolf could've done to us! I am not going to lose you and your sisters." Lady said by gently lifting her daughter chin, "Promise me you won't do anything stupid like that?" She ask her daughter.

"I promise mother." Daniela quietly said to her mother, it was quite for a bit but she said something else, "But
I'm surprise one has lived that long...did you guys know that wolf are related to a clan of Natives, who roamed this land years ago?" She tells her older sisters, who really didn't want to hear.

The Lady sits back and listens to her young daughter explains that disgusting wolf that she encountered. As she looks out of the window of the carriage, she hears that wolf howling, she was somewhat fond over the beauty of the wolf. She didn't say anything about it but luckily, she won't have to see that creature.

Fifteen minutes later, the carriage stops. The stable boy jumps off and open the door for the family, the Lady gets out with her three daughters and all four headed inside of the ceremony site. The hallways were musty and wet as they travel through and eventually made it to the ceremony hall to where the lords were waiting.

"I'm sorry Mother Miranda if we're late, we had an encounter with something in the woods but it's no longer a-threat." Lady smiles and sits down in her chair who was right infront of someone who she despise with all of her heart. The daughters stood there around their mother and quickly bowed to the other lords.

"It's okay, now since everyone is here, let's start the meeting." Mother Miranda sat down in her chair and clears her throat out.

The other Lords sat down and waited for her to explain this meeting.

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