Chapter 2: Welcome to, The Owl House

Start from the beginning

Gus facepalmed and groaned. "Ugh I just remembered, I need to go to the Looking Glass Graveyard, Mattholomule and I are still helping the Keeper. Sorry, Luz."

I put my hand on his shoulder. "It's alright Gus, you can tag along on our next adventure." That got a smile out of him and he nodded.

"Well, I better get going." He said, walking away.

Speaking of 'always being on adventures together’, I just remembered that Amity and I haven't been on an adventure that didn't end up with her saving me from either being eaten or killed. "Do you mind if we can meet up at The Owl House in the next 10 minutes? I need to go somewhere." I tried my best not to be so obvious as to where I'm going. Willow looked at me and a small smile crept upon her face. "Where are you going?" She asked. I tried not to let it show but by the look on her face, it's obvious that she already knows. "To the library," I respond. Willow's smile grew, she pat me on the shoulder and then hugged me. "Ok Luz, we'll meet at your place. Say hi to your girlfriend for me." I chuckled nervously. She pulled away and waved at me before walking over to Gus who got distracted by some witches in the illusion coven doing fire magic as a performance.

I started my journey to the library and to my surprise, when I got there I found Edric and Emira looking at the illusion section. The libraries on the Boiling Isles is different to the ones in the human realm, instead of it just having the normal sections such as fiction, non-fiction, kids and adults, they added more sections based on the main 9 covens. I walked towards the illusion section to greet them.

"Edric, Emira, hey."

"Oh hi, Luz!" They said in unison.

"What are you doing here?" I asked. Normally I'd find them in the 'World Record' room trying to see which prank records they could break next, it's weird to see them use the other sections of the library. "We're here to check out some books about past illusionists," Emira said pointing to a table full of books that were standing next to them. Edric continued to take out a book that had 'Khari the Illusion Maker' on the cover.

"We're doing research for that school project about 'The Looking Glass Ruins'." He said. Oh my gosh, I had completely forgotten about the project, luckily it was only due for next month. "I completely forgot about that," I whispered. Sometimes I forget that I'm in multiple tracks at school.

"It's alright if you want you can come with us, maybe we could do it together like a group thing," Emira suggested.

"I mean I would but, I already made plans with Eda today, we're going on another bounty hunt. Maybe I can join you guys tomorrow."

"Sure but, if you're going bounty hunting, then why are you here at the library?" Edric asked. Emira elbowed him in his side and pointed at one of the corners of the library.
"Oooooh. Well, see you soon Luz." I waved goodbye as they picked up the books on the table and walked towards the counter to check out the books. I turned around and found Amity at the far side of the library busy putting some books back. I was about to go towards her when I heard someone shouting.
"HEY, MITTENS!!" I turned to see Ed and Em in the doorway of the building shouting in Amity's direction. He started pointing towards me and then winked at me. "YOUR GIRLFRIEND IS HERE TO SEE YOU!!" Everyone looked in our direction then turned their heads towards Amity. Amity's face turned red while Ed and Em continued pointing at me and I swear I could feel a blush forming on my face. I turned towards Amity's direction who was busy drawing a spell circle in the air and then turned back to the twins who were giggling. An abomination started forming Infront of the twins and Emira pulled Edric back. "Run!" Emira shouted as they ran away, busy laughing. "BYE LUZ!! SEE YOU TOMORROW!!" They shouted in the distance.

"I swear I am going to get them once I get back home." I looked beside me and found Amity standing right next to me. Wasn't she on the other side of the library just a few seconds ago? It's either she's secretly the Flash or she can teleport but I've learnt not to question it.
"Hey, Amity!" I hugged her then kissed her on the cheek. "I wanted to ask if you're free this afternoon. The gang and I are going on a bounty hunt today to look for someone." I pulled out the poster from my bag and handed it to her. I pointed towards the picture in the middle of the poster. "There's another human on the Boiling Isles now and we want to get to her before Belos does." She looked closer at the picture and then pointed out the frog-like creatures next to her. "Those things standing next to her, are those frogs?"

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