Chapter 5

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Your pov:
I was teased by Illu and Hiso until the examiner told us to get on the boat. " So uhm Y/n I heard a little about you from Gon but I wanted to get to know you better." Killua said to me. " I'm boring really." I lied. I felt his pinky graze mine, making me move away slightly but hold his pinky with my own.

" Well uhm what's your favourite candy" " I actually prefer fruit rather then candy but I like choco bots." His face lit up " I love choco bots, so what's your favorite color" " Purple." He nodded " guess mine." " hmmm blue" he gasped " how'd you know." I shrugged " I guessed." I awnsered " well uhm I'm just gonna go talk to Go-" the boat shifted as this thing climbed on board. I fell into Killua's arms as his arms wrapped my waist.

I was extremly embarrassed. For appearances I can't do elaborate moves or have a strong grip it's unnatural for a 12 year old not to mention raises some questions. Killua he had a firm stance and I can't really see why he caught me like this but I'm thankful all the same " thanks Killua" he nodded and helped me stand up. I looked around to find this ugly liar he reeked of it making me turn on my scent reducer in the mask. He claimed to be the real examiner but I took a syringe of posion and shot it at him he fell off the boat as a card burrowed into his skull shortly after my syringe hit him. I pulled my syringe back as I caught Hisoka's cards. I glared as I revealed a ace to Hisoka he smiled and winked revealing the joker I threw back at him.

As we got off the boat I scoped a tube worth of swamp water. I pocketed it. As we walked through the thick marsh I collected blood from the creature's it's a very weird hobby of mine something I also blame on Illu. I saw Gon go off and I faded after him.

I arrived to Hisoka choking him I kicked him away and into a tree. Gon, Kurapika, and Leorio looked shocked. " Aww butterfly I was just pl-" my fist connected with his face as he dropped into the crater in the ground. I picked my brother up checking him over. " If he's to bad hurt I'm going to kill you Hisoka." I growled. I moved on to Leorio and Kurapika but they flinched away from me. Hisoka was quick to spout how he didn't have the intent to killing them and how he was just testing them. " I'll be testing how long you can hold onto life if you fight them again unnecessarily " I spat.

Gon looked at me shocked " where did you learn how to move like that." " School, anyway Gon we got to go, Hisoka's got Leorio and Kurapika can walk." I said he nodded. I helped him back. Killua scolded me and Gon " you should have seen Y/n she was so fast I couldn't see her at all and she punched Hisoka in the face," Gon went on and on about how cool it was of me but I walked to Hisoka. He raised a eyebrow I let my happy aura drop in a mere second " if you kill my brother Hisoka I will kill you no if ands or buts, I care for my family and you know that no unnecessary fighting you hear. I think we could be good friend if you understand that." Hisoka smirked " well then you have my word I won't kill him, my lady." I rolled my eyes " you have a good arm my jaw was dislocated after that punch." " Yeah yeah you big clown." He gasped offended. The examiner opened the door and we entered the large area.

I noticed cooking areas and I got excited I bounced on the ball of my feet I love to cook. Killua laughed at me. " What are you laughing at?" I asked " your all excited, it's cute." He quickly covered his mouth and looked away. I was furious at the pure stupidty of these people. I held a blade to the dudes leg and whispered for only him to hear " shut up or die" he fell silent and I snuck back to Killua who grabbed my hand. " You can't leave me alone anymore I get worried and so does Gon, Kurapika, and Laoreno" " His name Leorio but okay Killua, I don't mean to worry anyone." " Hey uhm I saw what you did why do you have a knife." I bit my lip " Welcome we will be your examiners my name is Menchi and this Buharu we will be judging your culinary skills. You will be making us a dish with pork." I nodded knowing what I was going to cook. " Now go forth and forage." I took to the woods. Killua and Gon right after me " Wait up Y/n you can't run off." " Killua Y/n could find a needle in a haystack just follow her." I stopped raising my arm.

Damn me, they're carnivorous. I saw a thick pig. I want that one. I jumped down running at the one I wanted I stabbed the brain several times. I collected the pig up and started back the pigs looked terrified and let me go. I waved to Gon and Killua. " Which one do you want do I ca-" " no we got to get it ourselves." Gon said determined to do it himself.

I found a gorgeous garden filled with many veggies. I picked many fruits and vegtables filling my arms and a basket I had found at the starting area up to the fullest. I sat it down and started to cut down my pig I cooked everything sealing it in containers, many lunch boxes filled and my bag was getting heavy but oh well. I finished garnishing my plate and making rice.

I placed the plate down for judging.

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