chapter 4

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Harry found himself lonely now that Teddy was gone.

He was never late for work and had every meal but was now missing a key part of his life.

He wasn't sure how to get in contact with Draco and had a feeling the judge was taking extra long to give his hearing.

Harry yawned walking into work just as Ron apparated in a mess.

"Long night?" Harry asked.

Ron shook his head. "Mione just left. She filed for divore and LEFT!"

Harry was surprised. "I'm sorry Ron" he said quietly gripping his shoulder.

Ron shrugged it off. "Screw her. She was nothing before me anyway!" He snapped.

Harry looked surprised "You're just upset Ron. Just give her some time"

Harry paused seeing Blaise walking by with a briefcase

"I'll be right back" Harry stated jogging and catching up with him.

Blaise glanced over. "I do hope we are strictly walking the same direction Potter and that's it because so help me Merlin I'll Jinxs your arse back to Hogwarts" he snapped.

Harrys kept walking. "I deserved that..."

Blaise pulled out his wand unlocking his office.

"You deserved more than that you git. You have NO IDEA what Dracos been through yet when you get upset you decided to call him the ONE thing that hurts him" Blaise walked inside.

Harry sighed. "I know...I'm not proud of what I said-"

Blaise cut him off.

"Not proud? You should be ASHAMED! Draco didn't want that mark. Alot of us Slytherin didn't. His parents tied him down and forced him to take it all the while he begged and screamed for them to stop. It's not some quick process like catching a snitch. His parents allowed him to be torture and loved the dark lord more than their own son!" Blaise snapped. "Can you imagine what that psychologically does to you?"

Blaise waited for Harry to answer.

Harry shook his head.

"Exactly. You don't because over there in Gryffindor land all your hopes and dreams come true. You want to know why Slytherins are so cunning and successful? It's because since birth we've had to fight for our lives. Good bye" Blaise closed the door.

Harry sighed turning around. He ran his hand through his knowing Blaise atleast right now would not help him. He walked down the hall pausing at the infirmary. It wouldn't be very Gryffindor like but taking potions would make Draco come right?


Draco set the last box down in Hermiones room.

"Welcome to your temporary paradise" he smiled.

Hermione hugged him. "Thanks again Draco. It means alot. I'll stay out of your way!"

Draco smiled patting her bag. "My home is your home. Speaking of which lunch should be ready. Come on"

Draco led Hermione out and to the dining room. "If you get lost just call a house elf. They'll help you."

Hermione made a face.

"I only have a few and those here chose to stay so dont worry". Draco turned. "Robby will you please fetch Teddy. Tell him its his favorite and Auntie M is here"

Draco them went into the kitchen setting the table.

Hermione looked around smiling softly seeing Teddys smaller chair set up directly beside Dracos.

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