The custody begins

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It has been 8 years since the Battle at Hogwarts. Harry has found that hard to believe as he walked out of work.

8 years of setting things right. 6 years of catching the worst of the worst..and 8 years of raising Teddy solo.

Harry loved Teddy but wondered why Remus abd Tonks had left in Harrys care. Harry looked up as someone tapped him. It was Ron.

"Sorry mate. What did you say?" Harry asked.

"Merlin. I said did you want to come over? Mione is cooking and you can bring Teddy. She hasn't seen you both in a while"

Harry smiled. "Thanks Ron but another time. I'm beat. I'll see you Monday"

Harry closed his eyes apparating home. He walked inside.

Immediately he heard footsteps running down the stairs.

An 8 year old with blue hair runs to him. "Harry!" He shouts.

Harry just barely has enough time to drop his things engulfing Teddy in his arms.

"Hey there T" he smiled. "Were you good?" He asked.

Teddy nodded. "Yup! Auntie Ginny stopped by" he stated happily.

Harry nodded setting him down ruffling Teddys hair. He and Ginny hadn't worked out. After the war Harry realized she was more of a sister and less if a lover. For the first time his life wasnt in danger and he didn't want to rush into anything. Harry still wasnt sure what he wanted but it wasn't her. The fall out has been pretty bad. Even now she would pop by when Harry mostly wasn't home.

A small pop was heard as Minny a small house else appeared.

"Welcome home master potter" she said taking his bags and jacket. "Dinner is on the table and there is a request in your study" she dissappeard.

Harry smiled. "How about you and I get some food in us then afterwards we read" He asked scooping Teddy up.

Teddy nodded laughing as they walked into the kitchen.

They sat and ate chatting lightly. An hour and a half thanks to Teddy wanting to play Harry put him to bed.

Harry walked into his study pouring a glass of fire whisky drinking it. He sat in his chair pausing seeing the letter with a ministry of magic seal.

Harry slowly opened it.

To Harry Potter.

You have a custody hearing schduled. It js tomorrow at 6 am. Please bring Teddy Lupin.


The ministry of magic.

Harry looked at the letter flipping it over before rubbing his temples.

One who gets up that early? and Two Teddys parents were dead. Who would want custody?

Harry poured himself another glass.


It had been 8 years and Draco still didn't go out much for fear of being attacked or just looks. When he needed anything it was either early in the morning or late at night. His parents and most of his friends had fled to somewhere in Europe after the war except Blaise. Those who werent lucky or rich were put on trial.

Draco sturred his cauldron.

Draco had stayed. He had told the Ministry his part and had paid what was due. He had gone to Azkaban for 3 months thankfully not the entire year.

Draco shivered at the memory. Sipping on a vial of calming draught. Something he had in every room along with dreamless serum thanks to Azkaban.

Thankfully McGonagall and others had spoken on his behalf. Draco knew now that he had had a rotten childhood and path. Thankfully when the time came he had chosen to fight with Hogwarts. However the time in Azkaban had turned his blonde hair slightly silver but he didn't mind. It was better then staying there.

Draco dropped an elfs tongue into the pot. He stirred before sitting back setting a timer.

Draco had first found out he had a cousin recently. His mother had informed him in an attempt to cross him from the family tree. Draco to their and his surprise started the custody papers.

His life had be rotten but now Draco wanted to do what was right starting with giving his cousin the life he had always wanted. A life with a caring loving parent. A life where a kid got to be a kid. He had done so much harm he wanted to give back.

The timer went off. Draco started bottling the potion keeping two before sending it off to Hogwarts.

He started another batch of potions.

Draco didn't feel right going back to Hogwarts even though Headmaster McGonagall offered him the potions job every year since he turned 22. Instead he helped supply the infirmary and anything else they needed meanwhile keeping up with new positions, traveling and creating his own.

Draco opened the windows letting the room air out. He found things were more fresh that way.

He left walking to the other side of the house. He wasn't sure how to take care of a kid so he had bought alot of things such as books, practice wands and of course a broom.

Draco opened the bedroom door finding a neat bedroom for when Teddy came. He was family afterall and for once Draco didn't care about pureblood, halfblood or mudblood. His family had left him and he swore never to do that.

Draco closed the door before having a quiet dinner having released almost all the house elfs. Some days he would cook but most days the ones that chose to stay did. Draco was thankful for them since they helped keep things running.

Draco crawled into bed laying down but unable to sleep. He was nervous for how things would go. He hadnt been to the Ministry of Magic for more than 10 minutes years.

He has schduled the hearing for the morning and thankfully they had allowed it. Draco suspect since he supplied the the potions for the ministry for just about everything from the aurors to newborn wizards they wanted to be accommodating. Draco stayed to his manor but he found that he didn't mind it since now he had to go out.

He sighed.

Tomorrow things would be different and he was ready for it, he was ready to help and give love more than he had ever received.

Draco finally felt his eyes grow heavy falling asleep.


Im trying a another story so Let me know whatcha guys thinks! I will also be working on my other one as well don't worry!

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