"What was that for?" He asked as he looked deep into her eyes.

"Because I'm marrying the best, most incredible man ever. And I'm so lucky to have him and out beautiful daughter" she smiled at him and packed his lips again.

"Oh is that so?" He smirked.

"Mhmmm" she nodded her head as he put her back down.

"Just so you know. Im the lucky one of us." He packed her lips in return.

"I honestly thought they'll be much more problematic about it... ask questions and all. I'm glad they didn't though." Andy said casually.

"Yeah they have a history of asking inappropriate questions so I'm glad they didn't do that especially in front of Maddie"

"Yeah... should we go up?"

"I just want another moment here with you. Then we can go up" he said pulling her to his chest.

With her arms around him, his arms around her and his chin placed on the top of her head.
They stayed in their embrace for a few minutes until pulling away and going up to eat breakfast with the rest of the team.

"Mommy, daddy look! Uncle Travis made pancakes" Maddie said with her mouth full when Robert and Andy walked hand in hand into the beanery. "I can see that! Just don't exact too much because last time you didn't feel so well after" Andy replied with a sweet smile.

Andy and Robert headed to the table and sat in two chairs beside each other across the table from their daughter.

Maya made sure Maddie ate her food without making a mess with the syrups. Robert and Andy loved seeing how everyone cared so much for their daughter. Every time she was at the station they all played with her, made sure she was eating and kept her entertained.

Everyone was still at the table minding their own business and making small talks in pairs.

"We should set a date for the wedding. I can't wait to marry you" Robert whispered in Andy's ear with his low, sexy voice.

"I can't wait to marry you either. I'm gonna have such a hot husband" she smirked.

"Yeah my soon to be wife is pretty hot as well" he chuckled and she turned her head to him.

They smiled at each other for a moment, forgetting they had a crowd, Robert leaned in and gave andy a sweet kiss on her lips. 

"C'mon guys were not ready for all of that sweetness yet" Vic said laughing uncontrollably.

"Yeah let us get used to the idea first before you start kissing in front of us.." Jack said a little jealous since he had a crush of her for forever.

"At home they kiss all the time..." Maddie commented. Making everyone to laugh. "They do? And you don't think it's gross?" Mya asked the little five year old.

She shrugged her shoulders "no... they just do that a lot and they also call each other baby which is weird because mommy calls me baby all the time"  she replied making them all to laugh again and her parents to blush.

"Never thought you'd be one to call your boyfriend baby Andy" Ben said and andy covered her face with her hands in embarrassment.

Under the table Robert put his hand on her thigh for some comfort.


It was about 10 pm. Andy sat in the lounge with Maya and Vic. The guys were minding their own business, each in his own bunk and Robert was trying to put Maddie to sleep in his bunk but she was rumbling about how excited she was for the wedding and didn't go really easy on him.

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