There were probably some drops of water on the ground, and Chu Xuan's slippers stepped on the floor, and one of them slipped unsteadily under his feet. When his leg touched Yan Mengsheng, he also fell down with him.

    Yan Mengsheng reacted very quickly, protecting Chu Xuan's head with his left hand and leaning on the floor with his right hand. In addition, both of them were wearing thick bathrobes, and they didn't feel the pain of falling.

.Chu Xuan raised his face, his eyes met Yan Mengsheng's black eyes, and the two of them faced each other and were so close that they couldn't react for a while.

    Before he could move, a male voice came from outside.

    Qi Wencheng carried things and said with a smile: "I'm back!"

    As a result, the smile disappeared on his face quickly. Looking at the scene in front of him, I was extremely shocked. The paper box and various snacks in my hand fell to the ground with a "slap".

    Chu Xuan was pressed underneath, and there was a tall and handsome man on his body. The two were extremely close, and the ambiguous posture seemed to be..."Dong"? Especially the man on Chu Xuan's clothes is half open, and his abdominal muscles are exposed to Chu Xuan, and...Chu Xuan's hand is still touching his abdominal muscles...

    Their posture is even more difficult to describe. Chu Xuan's legs are separated, the man on him is still in the middle, and his face and face are almost pasted together.

.Chu Xuan couldn't pay attention to where his hand fell, but felt that it was very good to touch, and it felt very slippery.

    Qi Wencheng's face almost didn't wrinkle, "Are you...?"

    Suddenly hearing the sound coming from the door, looking up at Qi Wencheng standing at the door, and the weird gaze looking at them, it was obvious that they had misunderstood them.

    "Is Xiao Xuan talking about it?" Qi Wencheng couldn't make his voice heard, feeling a little embarrassed, and finally said: "It seems normal too."

    Chu Xuan's original white face burst into red in an instant, even his ears were flushed, and his neck couldn't escape. He immediately pushed Yan Mengsheng away from him, and explained in a panic: "Brother, I just fell down and accidentally brought him down."

    Qi Wencheng nodded, looking through everything, "Needless to say, I know it all."

    Chu Xuan was angry: "Brother, take a good look at who he is! Who am I against?"

.Is Yan Mengsheng his target? The two of them can't fight together, and the probability of being together is estimated to be lower than the probability of him wearing a book.

    Yan Mengsheng stood up like a okay person, with black black hair lazily resting on his forehead, his whole figure resembling a meek black panther who didn't know when he would attack. He glanced faintly at the man at the door, and heard Xiao Xuan call that man brother, and he knew it was Qi Wencheng who had come to the house before without even thinking about it.

    After listening to Chu Xuan's words, Qi Wencheng endured embarrassment to examine the man carefully.

    He has dark and thick hair, a well-defined and beautiful face with a touch of coldness, and slightly raised amorous and affectionate peach eyes. At this time, he squinted slightly to make him feel oppressed.

    This temperament, this look, how familiar it looks.

    "Big Brother?" Qi Wencheng carefully confirmed.

[BL] A Little Crying Bag Dressed as a Paranoid Villain [Wearing a Book]Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum