"It's a pity, you don't look as good as me." Yan Mengsheng chuckled, his words full of ridicule.

    Chu Xuan: "???" His body hasn't been extended yet, and he might be able to fight even if it is extended. Even if he doesn't use this body to fight, he is still a school grass-level figure in real life... Although Yan Mengsheng would not see his looks.

    Yan Mengsheng stared at Chu Xuan again like a little sheep, the smile on his mouth couldn't be suppressed, and the smile filled his eyes.

    Chu Xuan saw that the young man's eyes were smiling, and his whole body exuded a gentle and loose breath.

.Chu Xuan felt that he couldn't always let him gain the upper hand. He hadn't been able to beat himself up before, and now he is often speechless to himself. Where did the problem occur?

    "Really? I don't believe it." Chu Xuan's beautiful eyes rolled slightly, and asked him back with his immature face raised, still learning the way he raised his eyebrows.

    Yan Mengsheng had a smile at the corner of his mouth, and finally laughed in a low voice. The laughter was gentle and sweet, and it was even better than Chu Xuan thought.

    He was so cute by Chu Xuan, why can a child be so cute, why didn't he find it before? He never called his brother before, and even always did things that made him hate, but now he is so cute that he wants people to pinch his face.

    "You won." Yan Mengsheng said.

    Chu Xuan smiled, and the white and pink face that lined it was more cute and clever.

.Yan Mengsheng continued to read the book with his eyes down, his expression extremely serious. The cover of the book didn't say what book it was, and Chu Xuan became more curious. He couldn't help but leaned forward and asked softly, "What book are you reading?"

    Yan Mengsheng didn't even lift his head, but directly replied, "A hundred ways to raise a baby."

    I never thought about watching these things before, but the last time Chu Xuan cried and said that he wanted to integrate into this big family, he started to care about it. Maybe it was because he gave him the warmth that he wanted to make such a small person. The child lacks a sense of security, and he can no longer let the child follow his old path.

    Chu Xuan was shocked: "Brother, you want to have children before you reach adulthood?" Is it the moral decay or the destruction of human nature that actually made Yan Mengsheng have this idea?

    Yan Mengsheng: "..." He raised his eyes and looked at the child beside him, and there was a faint resentment in Chu Xuan's eyes.

."Is there a cub in the house?" Yan Mengsheng twitched at the corner of his mouth.

    Chu Xuan straightened up, his eyes turned into surprise, Yan Mengsheng read books about raising cubs for him? He feels that he is well raised, does he still need to read a book?

    Yan Mengsheng's eyes stopped on the big characters above. The title of this page reads: To cute children, we must also use cute repetitions!


    His eyes moved, and he began to think deeply. You can try.

    When the smell of the living room dissipated, Chu Xuan and Yan Mengsheng returned to the living room.

    As soon as Chu Xuan sat on the sofa, he saw Yan Mengsheng walking towards him with a cup of steaming water, his eyes kept locked on him.

    When he walked to him, Yan Mengsheng handed the cup in front of him, a smile that he thought was natural at the corner of his mouth.

    "Come on, drink water."

.These words seem to have a horrible effect, which directly caused Chu Xuan's goosebumps all over his body. The inspiration rushed to the tip of his hair. Seeing Yan Mengsheng's calm and unable to calm face, listening to the weird words, it was really uncharacteristic. The bizarre.

    Chu Xuan laughed dryly and ran away. He believed that Yan Meng was born with poison.

    Yan Mengsheng looked at the little figure who fled in a hurry, "...?"


    Fang Zhen looked at the home-cooked dishes on the dinner table and instantly lost her appetite. She was used to eating high-end restaurant food. These home-cooked dishes could not be seen in her eyes.

    But it’s not good to go out in two days. If Yan Bo knew that she had just returned to Yan’s house, she would definitely be kicked out if she was unclear on the outside with other men.

.Fang Zhen called the high-end restaurant to deliver the most expensive steak and desserts, and after half an hour, the restaurant sent a special car to Yan's house.

    The dining table was big enough, Fang Zhen sat at the other end of the dining table. Originally, only Yan Mengsheng and Chu Xuan were relaxed and harmonious when they ate. When Fang Zhen joined in this way, the atmosphere became weird.

    Fang Zhen put the steak and dessert on the table, her face was still a little dissatisfied. She felt that the steak was very ordinary, not better than foreign countries, but she was very satisfied with the small piece of dessert, so she got up and went to the refrigerator to get the most expensive one. Romani Conti red wine.

    When the refrigerator opened and she saw the contents, Fang Zhen's face faded, and the red wine in her was gone! He stretched out his hand and rummaged for a while, but it still didn't, it was all the previous milk.

    That bottle of millions of Romani Conti is Qi Zhenhe's gift for her to return to Yan's home! .I haven't been able to drink it abroad before.

    Fang Zhen questioned Lingzi next to her loudly, her expression flustered, and her voice became louder: "How many bottles of red wine are in it!"

    Reiko shook her head and said she didn't know.

    "I don't know anything, what's the point of the Yan family asking you so many useless people?" Fang Zhen was so angry that her chest was fluctuating.

    Fang Zhen was almost losing her mind, but that bottle of red wine she had always wanted to drink was a bottle that she couldn't buy even if she had money. The red eyes stared at the two people who were not eating quickly or slowly at the dinner table, all of them looked indifferent and unconcerned about her at all, as if they were treating her as a pinch of air.

    "Have you seen the wine bottles in the refrigerator?" Fang Zhen suppressed his anger, and asked in a low voice, her eyes locked on their faces to see what it was like.

.Yan Mengsheng and Chu Xuan also finished their dinner before she questioned them. Yan Mengsheng picked up a white tissue and wiped the corners of his mouth like an elegant prince. He didn't even give her a look, probably because she was looking at Fang Zhen's eyes.

    Chu Xuan burped milk, patted his chubby belly, and ignored it.

    "I'm talking to you." Fang Zhen's voice became louder, and the feeling of being ignored made her even more uncomfortable.

    Yan Mengsheng frowned, his eyebrows soaked a little bit of coldness, and his lips were thin: "It's really noisy."

    Chu Xuan's cute little brows also frowned. This woman is really double standard. She can directly touch other people's things without asking other people's opinions. It is her turn to be passive, and her emotions are so excited. It's better to learn how to deal with each other from the beginning. Get along with others.

.Fang Zhen stayed abroad since taking Yan Bo’s money, and Qi Zhenhe’s almost perfect love for her made her lose herself. She felt that she should be spoiled unconditionally, in her early thirties. But she was like a little girl, except for her ruthless mind.

    Chu Xuan hadn't seen her scheming yet, so far she was just doing all kinds of things to disgust them.

    "The things in the refrigerator can't be drunk, so I threw them away." Chu Xuan's voice was tender and soft, and his expression was so innocent.

    threw? ? ? Fang Zhen's eyes were red and blood was dripping.

[BL] A Little Crying Bag Dressed as a Paranoid Villain [Wearing a Book]Where stories live. Discover now