Phoebe listened in closely, as Dick started to walk away, still on the phone. Following closely behind, Phoebe's heart started to race. "About Rachel?" Dick questioned, his voice deepening. 

        "They had an intruder at the Roth crime scene. African- American female. Maybe six foot, magenta hair. Apparently she assaulted several officers. BOLO came back with a match on her at a gas station up your way off the 495. Security cameras caught her leaving with a girl matching the description of Rachel Roth. She left behind a body."

        Dick looked at Phoebe, a glimpse of worry in his eye before speaking into his phone again. "I'm on my way."

        "And Grayson, one more thing." The woman continued on. "About Rohrbach, she's dead. Murdered."

         Dick hung up the phone, huffing as he opened the door out of the hospital. Phoebe didn't want to say anything to upset Dick, but she knew she had to say something. "Who was Rohrbach?" 

        Dick didn't answer for a moment as they walked to the car. He was still trying to comprehend what was going on. Finally reaching the car, both got inside. Dick closed his door along with Phoebe and finally answered. "Rohrbach was my partner at the station. She thought I didn't like her. She was nice." 

        Without another word, Dick started the car and drove off. 

☺︎︎ ☺︎︎ ☺︎︎

        Dick absolutely flew down 495, doing probably seventy to eighty miles per hour. Phoebe sat back in the car, in case Dick stopped short and she wouldn't bang her head. The two hadn't spoke in minutes. Phoebe could tell that Dick was deep in his thoughts, and not to interrupt, but it was getting annoying. She hated it being quiet. 

        Finally reaching the rest stop Rachel and another woman were supposedly spotted at earlier, Dick pulled into the parking lot, which was swarmed with cops and firefighters. "Let's go," He sighed, motioning for Phoebe to get out of the car. 

        Quickly, she opened her door and hopped out, stretching her legs. Dick showed his police badge to the officers, allowing them access into the scene. The two inspected it, a wall in the girls bathroom had been blown to bits. 

        Stepping up next to Dick, Phoebe sighed. "The fuck happened here?" 

        Dick pursed his lips. "No clue. Last time I checked Rachel wasn't able to burn things down." Dick motioned for Phoebe to follow him. "Come on." 

        The two headed inside, Dick immediately heading for security. Quickly pulling out a USB, he sat in front of the desktop and started to download the recent footage."Real smart, Grayson." Phoebe chuckled at the man, s the footage started to download. 

        "This is going to take a few minutes," Dick informed, crossing his arms and sitting back. Phoebe stood next to him, humming to the tune of It's the end of the world as we know it.

        Minutes passed and the two headed back to the car with the USB. Hopping in, Dick reached over to the glove compartment to grab his tablet. Quickly, he transferred the files on the USB to the tablet, Phoebe assuming he was sending it to work. 

        Opening the file on his tablet, Phoebe leaned over his shoulder to watch. He fast forwarded to Rachel leaving with another woman. She fit the description that one of Dick's co-workers described to them earlier. Tall, African- American, pink hair. He zoomed in on them leaving, Rachel getting into her car. 

𝐁𝐑𝐔𝐓𝐀𝐋 ~𝐃𝐈𝐂𝐊 𝐆𝐑𝐀𝐘𝐒𝐎𝐍~Where stories live. Discover now