Chapter 18

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SORRY FOR THE EXTREMELY LATE UPDATE! forgive me? Merry Christmas and Happy New Years Eve kids :)


He hadn't expected her to come to him or to fall at his feet.

He had, however, expected her to crack a smile when she seen him.

That was not the case.

Mabel had been awake in the room during his speech, he knew that much. So why was it that she was avoiding him like the plague?

Liam had visited her the morning after, giving her a blanket he had knitted for her. It had her name, his name, Sebastians name and Adonis'.
Mabel cried when she was given it and her and Liam immediately rekindled their lost friendship.

It was now a couple weeks later and Mabel was yet to even look in his direction.

It was frustrating, and agonising.

His wolf could smell her, could basically taste her scent in the air, knew she was around but wasn't allowed to see her. It confused him.

Excors had taken to shifting at night and though they used to travel to the bush and sleep there, they now sleep outside Mabels room at night, while she lay in there- unaware of the guard dog outside her door.

Soter, the Vampire, had came by the first night he slept outside the door but had immediately redirected his path after seeing Excors sitting outside of her door.

Adonis had also travelled to the house near the Pink Lake everyday, checking in on the house and always making sure it's stocked up incase Mabel ever decided to go there.

He changes the sheets on the beds everyday and changes the flowers on the table regularly.

He thought today, the third week she was back, wasn't going to be any different from the last couple weeks.

Boy was he wrong.

It was around 5 in the afternoon and he was just getting back from the house at the Lake.

Atreus, Freddie and Blake have become sort of the furniture, Mabel cooked and cleaned after them and it made it seem they were never there. You could often see Mabel following after them and picking up anything they drop.
They have started to refer to her at Mimi and she acts as a mother figure to them, even at the age of 16.

They go to her when they have any troubles and cry in her arms if they fall, it's quite a sight to see.

It was her birthday soon and the kids have been busy painting pictures for her and making her stuff, all while absolutely wrecking their habitats.

When Adonis walked in he heard the squeals of delight as Blake ran to him, arms open and curls bouncing.

After her ran Liam who was dressed in a frilly pink skirt over his suit that he wears often, he says it makes him feel like a bodyguard.

Blake had taken a liking to Adonis, whilst the other two boys decided to keep their distance, though Freddie was never far from Blake and Atreus never far from Freddie.

Adonis picked Blake up and sat her on his hip as he walked through the main walkway in the house, entering the living room. He worse a white wife beater and grey sweatpants, with his tattoos and chains on full display. He knew he looked plain but it's not as if he cared.

"You got the goods?" Blake whispered into Adonis' ear, hands cupped as to make it more private.

Adonis smiled slightly but not enough for anyone to notice.

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