Chapter 8

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(That's Mabels eye colour)

When you start a story because you are bored and want to just write even if one person is reading and suddenly you have like 300 people reading thank you guysss!

The story is about to get interesting and complicated.

But I will DEFINITELY be coming back to edit once I have it written so I will make sure everything makes sense!

I literally love you guys' comments soo much like you don't even know! And also the reason Bellamy told Liam that its okay to do "other things" with people when he gets older is because she didn't want him to feel constricted or like he has to devote himself towards someone he doesn't even know yet. Although I agree you should wait for your mate, you can't help nature!

Ask guys I can't reply to comments or anything because wattpad won't accept my email and it's frustrating so sorry, but I'm definitely not trying to leave ye on read

Okay on with the story!

(Sorry for the long intro)


Mabels eyes fluttered open.

Her first coherent thought coming straight at her in a rush.

Where is Adonis?

Mabel shifts her gaze around the room, which she now knows to be the pack house living room only to see no one.

Not one person in a usually highly populated place. It was like seeing no one at an Airport, it just feels wrong.

Mabel slowly sat up and moved from the couch she was on to stand up. Her knees wobble a bit but she manages to grip onto the coffee table before she fell.

"A-adonis?", Mabel shouted, her voice coming out scratchy causing her to flinch.

Why was her voice scratchy?

There was no reply.

Suddenly she heard a scream.

She turned quickly towards the sound and ran towards it, thinking of whatever helpless child needed help in what seemed to be an empty house.

She ran as the screams faded and saw a small boy, maybe 7, rubbing his eyes as they squeezed shut. Mabels heart clenched as she took in the boys features. He looked just like Adonis had in that age.

Mabel walked slowly, but making sure her steps were heard so the child wouldn't get scared and run away.

"H-hello", Mabel whispered, slowly sitting down next to the whimpering boy.

"Salve", the child greeted in Latin.

Mabels eyebrows raised. No one but Adonis and the Alphas family knew Latin. Adonis had made Mabel learn it when she was the tender age of five. She was a natural but much preferred Italian. She would speak to Adonis in Italian which he understood due to him knowing over 15 languages and Adonis would speak Latin to her which she understood. It was their thing.

"Come ti chiami?" Mabel asks in Italian, testing his knowledge on languages.

"Nicholas " the boys replied quietly.

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