Ch 6: The AMA Awards Cinderella's "GodPapa?"👑(prt 1 Holiday Season🎄🎊🎁)

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He gets up from the straw-bambo-made nursery rocking chair from its white pillow cushions and soft blanket sheets, still holding and hugging his sleeping son in his strong right arm while giving small, gentle rocks to close the nursery door halfway open. After having the door slightly closed, Prince then reaches for the index cards that has his thankful speech for the AMA Awards night and began silently rereading the words to memorize and practice to say them without looking at the cards. While he silently warms up his speech for the awards ceremony in his head after putting back the cards on the rocking chair cushion, Prince continues giving his son a few more calming rocks of his right arm, he walks up infront of the closed window curtains.

Once taking a moment look out the window of the backyard valley of the Nelson-Jackson home, Prince then hears the nursery door, softly open and stepped inside was his husband Michael. He was now dressed in his comfortable paint blue, silk cotton tux with black shiny dress loafers. His dark brown almost jet black hair neatly brushed in his usual lush, natrual loose hair on his shoulders. Prince turns back to face his husband and gives Michael a quiet small smile.

"Hey Hon~" Michael spoke first, returning a small smile on his lips of his own at his husband as he then notices the scene of his sleeping son in his husband's arms. Michael leans down before he could say anything to leave a sweet kiss on top of his little Snowflake's forehead, stood back up to also give his husband a sweet peck on the lips as well. After watching his husband kissing their asleep son and greeting him with a quiet smile and a kiss, Prince had turned back around to walk up Wynter's crib to lay him inside to let him continue to sleep there.

After letting down, carefully, their son to sleep off his nap in his crib, Prince faces back to his husband and pulls them out of Wynter's now quiet bedroom after lowering down the room lights settings. As they meet infront on top of the stair steps Prince looks back up at his husband. "You about to leave, Baby~?" He asks his husband as Michael squeezes Prince's arm muscles gently.

"Yeah, they're ready for me. Our daughter just texted me sayin that she'll be home soon with her friends and Tom. She might need your help for her ceremony outfit. And probably Cappri will need you too. She'll be home before dinner and before I do. You'll be fine with our lil Snowball here~?" Michael asked his husband as Prince let's out a quick sigh and nodded.

"Yeah, I'm still practicing my speech for the ceremony. I'll help out the kid's suits and stuff. You go have fun dressing up, tell Rushka I said hi~." Prince teases a little bit to his husband and they lean forward each other to give a few goodbye and good luck kisses on the lips.

After telling their quick goodbyes, Prince had let Michael leave downstairs to meet his body guard Bill outside of the home's garage. Once watching his husband leave out the house, Prince had went back to Wynter's nursery, grab his speech cards and his son's baby monitor and decided to hang out for a while. His son Capprico was home for a while, he's been trying to figure out his outfit theme for the AMA Awards Red Carpet. His fiancee Wayne had been out in the city of L.A. finding a matching three-piece tux to fit his outfit with Capprico's since he had told Wayne over a phone call, that his Papa had wanted the whole family's outfit theme for this year's AMA Awards to be his success of Purple Rain and dominated the AMAs.

Cappri's also been practicing singing out loud softly his lyrics from one of his album's that had a birthday a few weeks ago. He was voted to be one of the music artists to perform on stage at the AMA Awards night as his album that had been released since the years ago, Star Gazer on his YouTube channel, to perform his number two best song for the fans. Capprico was happy to perform his song of his respect for the women that had changed him to be better in his life and for the fans and his Papa too as his Papa is as much as a symbolised woman as an "acting mother" to him and his siblings~. What he also doesn't know that, he might get his fifth AMA Award to add in his trophy closet stand that's waiting for him in the next few days too~.

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