Sienna squeezed my hand tightly, getting my attention, and gave me a reassuring smile. I nodded, pursing my lips together while tapping my food on the floor anxiously.

A few minutes later, my grandpa arrived at the mansion with Samantha. Sienna tensed up as soon as she saw Samantha. The bitch gave her a self-satisfied smirk, standing beside my grandpa confidently. I squeezed Sienna's hand, trying to calm her down.

"What is she doing here?" I asked my grandpa, clenching my free hand, trying to control my anger.

"Sit down, Samantha." My grandfather told her authoritatively, ignoring my question. She nodded, giving him a polite smile, and obeyed. He turned his gaze from her to us and added firmly. "Today, we will talk about this situation and decide what to do."

Sienna gave me a questioning look without understanding what was going on. I shrugged my shoulders and looked at my grandpa, but I didn't read anything from his face; it was stoic. Then he gestured to the maid. She nodded and turned on the TV.

I furrowed my eyebrows as I saw Samantha and Justin in the video.

"Leave me alone!" Samantha snapped at him angrily, pulling her arm roughly.

"Did you think I wouldn't find out?" Justin asked mockingly.

"What the hell are you talking about?!" She exclaimed, furious.

Justin smirked sarcastically. "Come on, Samantha. You are smart enough not to understand what I am talking about." He said in a sardonic voice and tucked a lock of her hair behind her ear.

She pushed his hand back angrily. "Leave me alone, Justin."

"I will not let him have what is mine. Get it?" Justin stated between gritted teeth, poking his finger in her temple.

She gave him a death glare. "Why are you angry? I am saving your ass. Don't tell me you want it?" She said mockingly, folding her arms over her chest.

"I will not let him have everything. I won't let him steal from me again. It is my baby. Don't deny it! I will take care of them." He stated in an authoritative tone.

"Yes, unfortunately, it is yours, but you will shut up and let me give the baby a better father." She gave him a cunning smirk.

"Better father?!" He snapped angrily. "My baby doesn't need another father, but I am not sure about the mother." He blurted out in frustration. "I will take care of my baby. You can't separate us. It is mine. I will not let you use my child for getting your ex back with your lies." He stated, determined and stormed out.

Everyone gasped in shock and looked at Samantha in disgust.

"No, it is a montage." Samantha refused in panic as she stood up, shaking her head.

I rolled my eyes in disbelief. How could she still deny it?!

"Girl, I don't recommend you to lie to us anymore." My grandpa stated in a bossy tone. "Stay away from my grandson. If I see you near him again or try to trap him, I will destroy you myself." He threatened her, giving her an intimidating glare.

She gulped nervously and stormed out without saying anything.

I sighed in relief and gave Sienna a radiant smile before hugging her. Finally, we got rid of that bitch. She hugged me back, whispering in my ear that she loved me. I confessed my feelings towards her as well and pulled back.

"Thank you, Grandpa." I gave him a grateful look.

"You are welcome, my boy." He winked at me. I grinned happily and wrapped my arm around Sienna's shoulder, pulling her towards me while everyone's mood got better, and they relaxed in relief.


After dropping Sienna off her house, I went to the mansion. My father said he needed to talk to me about something important. His voice was serious. I hoped there was nothing bad, or Samantha didn't show up again. However, we hadn't heard from her since last week after she left our house.

"What happened, Dad?" I asked as I walked into the study room. I got worried because my mother was here too.

"Sit down, please. We want to talk to you about your university." He said firmly, gesturing to the chair beside his desk. I nodded and sat down, ruffling my hair.

"Dad, I know you were worried about my grades; they weren't... good the last few months, but..." I gave them an apologetic look.

"Yes, you were almost going to lose your chance for university. Fortunately, you pulled yourself back together." My father commented and sighed, rubbing his chin. "The last few days, I had been talking to Aspen about Sienna's and your future. Her grades got bad as well. Moreover, you two skipped a lot of classes after starting dating. So we got an agreement that it would be better for the two of you if you just focus on your studies."

"What do you mean?" I asked, raising my eyebrow in confusion.

"You will study at Oxford, instead of Harvard." He stated firmly.

"What?!" I exclaimed in shock as I stood up and ran my hand through my hair in panic.

"When you two are away from each other, you will be able to focus on your studies." He paused, breathing deeply. "You will take my place in our company in the future. You have to be ready for this responsibility. For our family, company, employees and their families."

"Dad, I know my responsibility, but it doesn't mean I should go overseas to study. I can study at Harvard as we planned." I pleaded in panic.

"It isn't up for discussion. It will be best for the two of you. Aspen agrees with me as well. He will also talk to Sienna today."

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