The Legend

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Over five hundred years ago, there was a land called Safe Haven. It was home to many creatures small and great, weak and powerful, comprehensible and fantastic. There was great peace throughout the land, and all the creatures were of one mind.

Then, one day, a newcomer appeared: a dragon made of stone, rising from the ground beneath the haven. He was magnificent, but brought fire and destruction in his wake, proclaiming himself the haven's king. The citizens fought back bravely, but none could break his impenetrable skin. Finally, they could do nothing but subject themselves to him—their new king, Petrus Draconis.

The years dragged on following Draconis's takeover, and the citizens of Safe Haven cried out for deliverance. Long did their cries go unanswered... but then, when all seemed lost, hope arrived in the form of another stranger: a phoenix, with feathers of orange, red, and pink, calling herself Safiya el Nar.

She descended from the sky on a bright summer day. No one knew where she came from, and to this day no one knows. But she challenged the magnificent dragon to a battle of strength and wit—of fire and of the mind. The dragon, overwhelmed by hubris, could not refuse such a tantalizing offer and gladly accepted the challenge.

The battle that resulted was glorious. For hours on end it raged as flames filled the sky, visible even to those beyond the haven's protective barrier. Man and beast alike cowered at the sight of the Titans battling in the air, and some say that Heaven and Hell were shaken by their blows.

Eventually—unfortunately—Draconis gained the upper hand, and the dragon dealt el Nar a mighty blow, mortally wounding the Protector of Safe Haven. But the phoenix would not be denied victory, and mustered all of her strength for one final strike. Her holy flames incinerated the dragon, finally ridding Safe Haven of its tormentor.

Unfortunately, this attack took its toll on the phoenix as well, and Safiya el Nar prepared to breathe her last. Before she did, however, she instructed the citizens of Safe Haven to return to living in peace. She commanded them to maintain harmony and urged them to always walk in one accord. Then, raising her head to the sky, the phoenix dissolved into ashes.

To honor her memory and carry on her legacy, the citizens of Safe Haven collected el Nar's ashes and placed them in a priceless urn. They began preparations for the five-hundred-year anniversary of her death, in the hopes that Safiya el Nar would rise again to protect Safe Haven from whatever threat should come against it.

Or so the story goes.

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