Death? | Chapter 7

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Kris: Ralsei...

Ralsei: Hm?

Kris: I need to get up...

Ralsei: Hmm... no...

Kris: I have work...

Ralsei: No... stay here...

Kris: Ralsei... I have to get up...

Ralsei: No... more cuddles...

Kris: Later... can't you wait until I get back?

Ralsei: No... too long... to wait...

Ralsei wasn't letting Kris get up so they can go to work, as Ralsei just wanted to cuddle more.

Kris: Ralsei... it's going to fine... it won't be that long...

Ralsei: But what am I going to do all day?

Kris: Draw... just draw some things... go outside and draw some things... or visit me at work... but I have to get up.

Ralsei: Hmm... fine... you better come back soon...

Kris: I live here... of course I will.

Ralsei lets go of Kris and Kris gets up and gets ready to leave for work. As Kris was about to leave Ralsei walks out and walks over to Kris giving them a goodbye kiss, he didn't want to stop but had to as Kris would be late to work, he then got his breakfast and waved Kris goodbye.

Kris got to the shop and it was still closed, so they opened it and it was very quiet. Kris called Susie and Asriel, but none of them picked up, they just shook it off as they slept in and started work on the doughnuts.

When the doughnuts were done and it was 10 minutes before opening, Kris rang Susie and Asriel again, but still no reply, no calls, no texts, nothing. Kris got sort of worried but suspected they had slept in as they didn't need to be there right away and they didn't live too far away so it wouldn't take them long to get there.

It had now been an hour, and still no Susie and Asriel, Kris had to do all of the work, and started to get annoyed at them. Kris gave them another call and text, but still no reply, it was like they had disappeared from the face of the planet.

That's when they both walked in, they had tons of cuts and bruises on them, and once the door closed they fell to the ground. Kris didn't have time to be angry at them as they saw the state they were in, Kris ran over to them to see if they were ok.

Kris moved them onto the sofa chairs so they could rest, as they were about to call 911, the Kris, Susie, Ralsei and Lancer from the different universe came running barging through the door. Ralsei 2 saw the sate they were in and started to heal them up. Kris suspected it was their doing and grabbed their knife they carried with them.

Kris 2 tried to explain but Kris wasn't listening, they battled it out unitl Kris got the upper hand and pinned Kris 2 against the floor using their shoe threatening them with the knife, it got everyone's attention.

Kris 2: Stop!

Kris: Why!? look at what you did!

Kris 2: We can explain!

Kris: Then explain! or else your head will be chopped off!

Susie 2: With that little knife?

Kris 2: Not helping!

Kris: Would you like me to test it on you!? new special doughnut today! lizard!

Kris then pointed the knife at Susie 2, she had her axe out ready to attack them but had a worried look in her eyes.

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