"Yeah even I thought to ask her...but you know we all were busy in marriage preparations. It's been already 8 months I think so right???" She asked Amma for which she nodded yes as an answer.
With that she dramatically widened her eyes as if she heard the most shocking thing in the world.

I almost rolled my eyes infront of everyone but I controlled it and destroyed that urge as I don't want to face the wrath of my Amma for disrespecting guests.

"Oh my god...it's been long. You see my Sister's daughter , she married 5 months back and she is pregnant now." She said.

'What can we do about that...they did the deed but we are still struck at the hugging stage.' I muttered in low voice.

"Is everything alright with your health??? You can consult doctors if anything required.
You see my neighbors consulted a doctor who is what we call a doctor who is expert in that?? What ever...
Now they are blessed with twins." She said with so much concern that I thought I might be her long lost daughter with the care she is showing me...I said it in a sarcastic way guys!!!

"They are doctors right...they know everything.
We need not worry. And about kids...it's totally their decision.
They are still young they should enjoy this married life before they get caught with all the responsibilities." Aunty came to my support.
I gave a grateful smile...
Thankfully even Amma said

"She is still studying...I think they should take their own time."

Few of them nodded their head understandingly while other scoffed at her words without even caring that I can see them doing that.

Thankfully they diverted the topic to the dowry given in one of the aunty's daughter in law.

" Amma I will go meet grandma next door." I said as I went to the neighbour's house.

She nodded her head and I went to next door to meet a old lady whose skin was wrinkled badly...
Whosr hands were shaking while she was trying to walk holding a stick.

I quickly walked to her as I held her in support.
She squinted her eyes as she tried to see who I am.
After nearly half a minute she finally let out a squeal in surprise as she said
"Geetha" in her shaky hoarse voice.
"Yes grandma...how are you?" I asked her as she said she is fine and has been taking her medications on time...there is no need to worry for me.

After taking for a while she asked me about my husband...if he came here
I answered positively as she asked me to bring him to her once , she want to meet him.

I know what she would do...she will warn him not to make me sad.
She is such a sweetheart.

I spend my time with her I didn't realise that it's already been 10 am.

I hurriedly went to my home as I already saw Amma who was looking furiously at me as I am so late.

I smiled nervously as I asked
"Have you all eaten Amma??"

She let out a sarcastic scoff as she said

"No dear...we were waiting for you to grace your presence."

I gulped hearing her tone which was sarcastic as hell.

That's when I knew...i made my mom pissed off.
I just hope she doesn't burst out on me.
Atleast not before Adi...

It would be very embarrassing.
"Sorry Amma....granny was asking me about the marriage and also adi.
I lost the tract of time."

She sighed as she said
"He was searching for you."

I frowned feeling very puzzled.

My eyes widened at the probable possibility.


I felt my heart little warm...adi was searching for me.
He hasn't seen from since morning.
Does he misses me too???

My Amma hummed as she said
"He didn't asked me but I could feel that.
His eyes searching for you."

The whole excitement I was having went down the drain...completely flushed out.

He didn't even asked for me...
And it's all my Amma's thinking.

He might be just looking around randomly , not for me.
Not missing me.

He did his best in that acting part.
My Amma obviously thought we are lovely couple.
He had a prejudice about her or I could say that we behaved such a way that she would be convinced properly.

I agree we are having few moments these days...but doesn't he care about my presence in his life??

He could have asked for me.

I was not there from the time he woke up.
'Like he cares about you' my mind mocked immediately I felt my eyes watering up.

Unknowingly a tear traced along my left cheek but like an actress I was I wiped it quickly making sure my Amma don't get a doubt on me.

May be I should never hope for more.

I should be well satisfied with what I am having.
I get to call my love as my husband.
I got to hold him to sleep these days.

I should not be greedy anymore...it brings me nothing but drops me in the middle of nowhere when I am immensely thirsty.

I smiled lightly . "it's ok Amma. I will meet him sometime later.
I will help you in this." I said mechanically.

She nodded and passed me the vegetables to be cut.
For the first time in my life I felt cutting onions is such a good thing.

We could hide the reason for our tears and this pitiful onions always takes the blame.

Looking at my teary face my Amma grabbed them from my hold as she said
"Look at how you are crying....stop cutting them now I will do it.
Go wash your face first."

I blowed my nose as I walked towards washroom.

"Let's me happy Geetha." I said as I looked at myself in the mirror.

A fake smile adorned on my face , I looked at myself in satisfaction.
Now no one can question me for the sad face.
I don't really want to answer anyone.

Thesedays simple things are mattering more to me.
He might not even know he hurted me...

But it's not him to blame.

I assumed everything and I wanted him to be like that...loving me to no extent.

Hey guys!!! I am back.

From today I will try to give updates daily.

The next one is going to be interesting I assure you.
Till then keep waiting.

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