Chapter thirty: Vormir

Start from the beginning

"Bullshit" Sophia's eyes started to glow as well as her hands

"I'm giving you one chance" Sophia started to get close to him

"To tell me where she is"

"I. Don't. Know."

Sophia didn't waste another second and started to choke him with her magic

"WHERE IS SHE!?" She yelled

"Sophia stop!" Carol yelled

"No! he knows where she is! he's lying!"

~Flashback: The day Wanda got hit by Sophia's magic~

Sophia fell asleep on top of Carol after being exhausted from everything that happened.


Sophia looked around in fear, she recognized that voice, it was Natasha

"Sophie help me!"

Sophia looked around until all of the purple fog disappeared

She realized she was standing at the bottom of Vormir, Natasha lying on the ground next to her.

It took her a moment to realize that Natasha was bleeding but when she did she rushed towards her.

"Tasha what-" Sophia tried to speak while covering Natasha's wounds to stop the bleeding.

"Sophie listen to me" Sophia started to cry "What- Tasha no-" she barely spoke.

"Sophie, I need you to listen ok?"

"This... man, he knows everything, you need to find her and-" Natasha started to cough

"Find her, she knows how to stop him"

"Find who?"

Natasha's eyes started to close

"I love you so much baby, never forget that ok?"

"No, no Tasha stay with me" Sophia cried out

Eventually Natasha's eyes closed, and Sophia just sat there crying over her dead body.

She could hear someone calling her name

"Sophia, come on wake up"


Sophia shoot up breathing heavily

"It's ok, it was just a dream" Carol assured her while bringing her shaking figure into her embrace.

~End of flashback~

"Sophia, stop you won't get any answers if he's dead" Carol said making her back away a little.

"Tell me where she is!" Sophia said, the anger slipping with every word coming out of her mouth.


"Clint" Yelena said "Yeah?"

"Do you think she's ok?"

"I don't know... I just know she would do anything to bring Nat back, even if that means risking her own life"

"Wait, what do you mean bring Natasha back? My sister is dead Clint"

"You haven't read what the book said until the end, have you?"

"What did it say?"

Clint sigh "The book know the exact place his owner is at"

"Yeah I saw that"

"I know, what you didn't see is that the book also know the exact cause she's there"

Yelena looked confused

"She's trying to bring Nat back... I have no idea how"

"This is crazy... wait do you think she's-"

"What?"   "Do you think she's gonna die for this"

"Knowing her, she will do anything... so we better hurry"


"Wanda, maybe this isn't a good idea" Ivy said

"Who's side are you on?"

"I- I just want what best for Sophia"

"I guess we're on the same page then"

Ivy looked down, she knew going after Yelena and Clint was a really bad idea considering what happened.

"Let me show you something" Wanda said

She slowly opened the letter... wait what is that Ivy thought to herself

"Is that?"

"It's a map" "To where?"

"We need to find the mind stone"

"Wait why?" Wanda sighed

"It's the only way to fix all of this" Ivy looked confused

"What do you mean?"

"It's the only way to stop my daughter from killing me, and to bring him back"

"Bring who back?"


"Take a look for yourself" the man said to Sophia as he pointed at the edge of the Cliff.

Sophia turned around to look at the bottom of the Cliff, She gasped loudly and covered her mouth with her hand as tears started to pool from her eyes.

"Sophia, what's wrong?" Carol asked

"She's right there, get down and join her" the man said

Carol looked confused and joined Sophia, she looked down and saw... nothing.

"Sophia, what is he talking about?"

"She- she's down there, I have to-" Carol stopped her

"Honey there is no one there, what are you talking about?"

"Nat-" Sophia cried out

"Sweetie, what are you talking about?"

"I have to get to her" Carol turned around to look at the man

"Why is she seeing her? there no one's there" 

he just smirked

"Sophia, sweetie, it's just an illusion he's messing with you, she's not there"

"Don't lie to me! she's right there!" Sophia yelled

"I have to-"

Before Carol could say anything Sophia ran past her and jumped off the cliff.

A/N: Pay close attention to the name of the song at the top😉

I hope evryone is doing okay!

Thank you all so much for all of the support on both of my books it means the world to me!!❤❤

I hope you're gonna keep enjoying my books!

Don't forget to take care of yourself, I love you all and I'll see you next chapter❤

A soulmate who wasn't meant to be (Sophia Maximoff x Ivy Harkness)Where stories live. Discover now