chapter 1

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Endings are new beginnings


I was cleaning the house when my mom came back furious at what I do not know. "Pack your shit your leaving!" She yelled at me I stood there for a moment to process the information. "W-what...?" I asked finally finding my voice even if it was small. "I SAID PACK YOUR SHIT AND GET OUT OF MY HOUSE!" she yelled from the stairs. I gently put the broom away grabbed my phone and wallet and left. I walked to me job that day. "Y/n hey- " He started but stopped when he saw my avoidance of eye contact "Hermosa, whats wrong?" He asked. I sighed heavily before I spoke, "just in my head today thats all." I said looking at him with a weak smile.

During break I called my friend who picked up after three rings "Hey y/n whazzup?" They said "my situation got a whole lot worse.." I said sadly I could hear her muffle a moan before she spoke "j-jax slow down damn!" She whisper shouted. I said nothing and hung up. I stood for a moment before throwing my phone down on the pavement " woah woah! That was on purpose, whats wrong and the truth" Eddie said stepping infront of me both of his hands on my upper arm. No point in stopping the tears now I guess, so I let them fall. "My mom kicked me out without reason and now my only other friend is fucking my boyfriend god can anything go right today?" I asked more towards myself than Eddie. At this point Eddie held me in his arms rubbing circles into my back. "Hey, your coming home with me tonight okay?" He said well more like told , I didn't bother arguing.

After our shifts ended, we both got into Eddie's car. As he started driving he got a call, I answered it and put the person on speaker "yo Eddie!" A voice said "whats up gaege?" He asked. "So we need groceries and your already out so I thought maybe you could pick me up and we go get them" he asked in a baby voice making Eddie sigh. "You wanna get out of recording with mully, don't you?" He asked Gaege hung up making Eddie chuckle. Eddie stopped buy a huge ass house and parked "ain't no fucking way you live here!" I told him he laughed as a man ran out of the house while putting his jack on neared the car. He got in the back seat "thanks Eddie!" He said before speaking again "who's your friend Eddie?" He asked. "Gaege this is y/n a friend from work, Hermosa," Eddie called getting my attention "Hermosa this is Gaege one of the four roommates." He said as I  waved a little to his friend in the backseat.

While at the store I stuck with Eddie while Gaege went to go other groceries they needed. "You alright Hermosa?" He asked I nodded "social anxiety?" He asked I nodded again. The only reason Eddie knew of my social anxiety is because of the Karen's and how on the mid-day shifts it gets packed. I had a full on anxiety attack in the back room after dealing with three Karen's in a once. Eddie found me a mess in the back room and calmed me down. The entire store trip I stuck close to Eddie.

On the car ride back i picked at my fingers as anxiety filled me. Gaege put his hands over mine, making me stop instantly as air got  caught in my throat. "Anxiety got you by the tail?" He asked. I gave a curt nod as he pulled out a atoms fidget. "I play with this when I'm anxious or need to focus." He said before handing it to me. I flashed him a slight smile as I pulled at the light metallic balls attached to string. I began to zone out.

When Eddie woke me gently I rubbed thr sleep from my eyes and looked around seeing gaege grab bags. Me and Eddie helped him with the bags after I got out of the car. There were three others in the living room I was learning my way around the kitchen when Eddie's phone rang he answered it, putting it on speak and the voice. I know who it was

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