Chapter 1

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Tris POV:

I have just finished going through my fear landscape for Dauntless initiation. After I got done, they injected me with this tracker. Once they finished that, I went to go find Four. We met up and went to go to the banquet for the initiates.

Four and I got bored with the banquet and decided to leave after all the "important" stuff was over.  I ended up choosing initiate training and being a faction ambassador as my job.. We went back to Four's apartment and I went to go take a shower and change my clothes as soon as we got home. Four just sat on the couch until I was done in the bathroom. When I first started coming over to his apartment, I asked him if he would leave the room so that I could get changed because I wanted some privacy. Ever since then he has always left the room.That's one of the things I love about him, he has always respected my boundaries. If I said I wasn't comfortable with something, he would respect that and we would talk about what we were good with and what we weren't.

I got dressed and went out into the main room.I found him in the kitchen looking for some food to eat.  Four said he would make dinner tonight since I had just went through initiation and was tired from it. 

"Hey Tris, mac'n'cheese sound good?" 

"Definitely" I said, "I will set the table while you do that"

While we ate, we talked about my fear landscape. Four has seen mine, and I have seen his. I used to have 7 fears, but I conquered one of them. Because of that, Four has called me "Six" a few times today.

We cleaned up the table and dishes together. We talked for little bit then decided to go to bed. We both fell asleep quickly, but I woke up from a nightmare. Apparently I screamed because I had woke Four up. 

"Tris! Are you okay? What happened? Are you hurt?" 

Four was always protective, but he also knew I could handle myself.

"Yeah, I just a bad dream I guess," I shrug my shoulders and lay my head on his chest. My heart was still racing from  my dream. Hearing his heartbeat helped me to calm down.

I eventually fall asleep. He is just sitting there running his hands through my hair. He lightly kisses my forehead and tells me that everything is going to be ok.


The next morning, I get up. After my one bad dream, I guess I slept fine. I hear Four in the kitchen and walk out there.

"Hey there sleepy head" He says. 

"Hey. Why didn't you wake me up?"

"I thought you had just had a rough night and that you could use some extra sleep." 

He has always been thoughtful and caring when it came to me, even tho he had a strange way of showing it sometimes, like during training.

"Thanks. Anyways, how did you sleep?"

"Pretty good, except when you punched me." He was laughing because he knew I had no memory of doing this.

"Oh sorry."

We sat down to eat our breakfast. Four had made us oatmeal. If were how Abnegation ate oatmeal, I wouldn't have eaten it. But Four puts small slices of fruit in it and it taste so much better. After we're done eating, we clean up and then go sit on the couch. We talk for a bit and then I ask "Hey Tobias, can we talk about something?"

"Yeah. Is everything ok? Is there something wrong?"

"No, I'm okay, nothing's wrong. Umm . . . " I paused, "Now that I got through initiation, I'm no longer living in the initiate dorms. And well," I paused again, trying to organize my thoughts, "Um, I was wondering, am I going to just move in with you, or should I get my own place?"

"Tris, of course you can live here with me. But that's if you want to. If you would feel better having your own place, I totally understand."

"Really, are you sure?" 

"If I wasn't why would I offer?"

"Good point."

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