just us

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it used to be just us
you and i
against the world
against my parents
against my lack of independence and my high school status, a global pandemic, and an origin story of high school melodrama
we found each other and held on

and we existed in the same world
you and i
and we held on
and we grew
we began to set up the game
talking of what ifs and somedays
we shared our deepest secrets
we built our world together

you came up with a plan
and at first, i was unsure
and time goes by like clockwork
spinning each day in and out
waiting for the right time
on the right day
at the right moment

we still talk a lot
every single day
studying and working full-time
we've watched the world go by
the seasons change
and nothing ever stays the same as it always was
as it always used to be
as it was before

i'm sitting right here, in the world we built together
and it's crazy. in only a year, we've accomplished so much on our own.
we're working so hard
to reach a new place
and it's not very far away
but it feels like i'm waiting an eternity.

the road ahead of us is infinite.

and it would be a shame to miss out.
there's still so much left to do. so much left to try and see, so many people to meet.
just you.
and me.
and the world.

november 20th, 2021, 9:18pm

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