Quirkless, Indeed

Start from the beginning

The scientist standing next to him gulps at that, taking in a readying breath before responding.

"General, sir, I assure you that he's close to reaching his limit. I admit, however, that he's proving more resilient than we previously assumed." Mulling his lower lip between his teeth, the man contemplated his next words carefully. "His mind is truly a jewel, his body is bound to catch up... We just need to apply more...forceful measures."

"As long as I start seeing encouraging outcomes, you have the go-ahead." The dragon states firmly, leveling the man with a glare as he readies himself to walk away. "And Doctor," He speaks up when he reaches the doorway leading outside. "I suggest you avoid making a habit of wasting my time in the future. Lest you end up in your patient's shoes."


Shinsou doesn't know what to expect when he steps into his new classroom. It's his first day at Yuei, yet it's not exactly what he's dreamed about. His ambition having been set on another course entirely.

He knows what he'll find on the other side of those doors. Or, more accurately, who he'll find.

Akatani Mikumo, if he remembers correctly. A true mystery, the boy was.

Ever since that day, at the entrance exam, Shinsou has been racking his brain, trying to come up with what he was going to say when he saw the dark-haired teen. The boy who saved both his life and his place at the school of his dreams.

Shinsou can't say he's not a little bit frustrated at the boy though. He didn't need saving, especially if he was going to be a hero.

Everything he's come up with seemed to fall short. Years of social deprivation coupled with his nonexistent history in positive teenage interactions meant he had no clue how to go about this.

Shinsou walks in and almost immediately spots him. He looks slightly different in his school uniform, formal almost. His posture only helping to further that statement.

Finding the seat in front of the teen empty, he elects to take it for himself. Having set down his bag on the floor next to his desk, he turns to address his savior. However, just as he gathers enough courage to get it over with, the classroom door slides open. The voice hero and newly declared homeroom teacher, makes his endeavor useless for now.

So, Shinsou sits back against his chair, turning back towards the front of the class, making a mental note to talk to the boy later.

Present Mic announces their first task. A cliché start, one that Shinsou dreaded every single time he's had to go through it.

A class introduction.

Every student was expected to stand up- in turn- and introduce themselves to the rest of the class. Starting with their name, their quirks, and if they wanted, adding a fact about themselves.

It was childish really, an easy way to make friends and get to know each other. For the normal students, at least.

The students from the first row go first. Grimly, he realizes that the boy from the practical is there too. The idiot who thought it would be okay to use his quirk to sabotage the others. Itsumo, he introduces himself proudly. His chest puffing out arrogantly as his eyes flit across the room, a smirk growing on his features as his eyes land on Shinsou. Quirk: Heat. The ability to change his hand's temperature to a certain limit.

Scoffing lowly, Shinsou slumps further in his seat, waiting for his turn to come. Waiting for the inevitable reaction he was bound to garner from his classmates.

Soon enough, his name is being called out and he stands up, almost on instinct. Hands coming to swing uselessly at his sides as he looks straight ahead, bracing himself for what happens next.

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