Chapter 6: The Secrets These Walls Keep

Start from the beginning

Carefully his gloved hand gripped the door's golden handle. Twisting it once or twice was all he needed to know that it was locked. Zephyr titled his head, a smirk growing on his face. Violently, he shook the handle at super speed making the lock dislodge. The door opened without even a creak.

Zephyr smiled proudly, as he slipped inside. Unlocking doors this way, was a recently discovered perk of his powers. How he figured this out, was when he got locked out of the speedster training shed, it didn't take long for him to learn that vibrating the lock could sometime shake things into place.

Inside of the doors, looked be some kind of very fancy storage room. Relics that Zephyr both could and couldn't recognized lined the room, all of them safely encased in untouched glass. Zephyr swallowed, maybe that door was locked for a reason. Hesitantly, he stepped into the room, terrified that he might break something. This placed was clearly important. He was about to turned around and forget he was ever here the he heard someone jiggling the door handle from the other side.

He felt his heart jump into his throat, worried that he was about to be busted. Because if the door was lock than he probably wasn't supposed to be in here. But his relief was instant when he realized who it was on the other side. Angie was opening the door, her eyes on the handle as if she didn't think it would be unlocked. Zephyr let out a breath he didn't realize he was holding. Causing the half-breed to finally notice his presence.

"Zephyr?" Angie asked in confusion, "What are you doing here?"

"Well, I got lost," Zephyr answered bluntly.

"Mansion still a little confusing huh?"


"Well, I guess that's explains why you're in the treasury."

"The treasury? Is that this place?"

Angie nodded.

"Okay, Cool. What's the treasury?"

"This is the room where Mari's mom kept all the fancy relics from the league days. Well at least all the important ones," Angie walked past him and deeper into the room.

"Important ones? If they're relics of the league, shouldn't they all be important?" Zephyr asked following Angie.

"Well, you could say that, but this room is for some of the more powerful relics. AKA the more dangerous relics. Magical talismans, some of the mad Dr.'s more explosive devices, etc."

"Oh," Zephyr said, his feet slowly coming to a stop, "So, if these are dangerous what are you doing in here?"

Angie turned around, and raised a brow at him, "I wasn't sneaking in if that's what you're wondering," She huffed, "Aunt Maria just keeps it lock so that Damian can't get in, just in case if he reacts to anything in here," She paused and glared suspiciously at Zephyr, "Wait, Aunt Maria always keeps this door locked, how did you get in?"

"Jiggled the handle. How do you usually get I here, do you have a key?"

"No, I just pick the lock."

"Ah," Zephyr glanced around the room.

This was where the league kept the dangerous items that they had taken from the villains they faced. Zephyr looked closer at the items. A large amount of them looked like inventions. Strange mechanical, egg and bug shaped, inventions. Though that wasn't all that was in the room, there were quite a few objects that looked like jewelry pieces.

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