You walked slowly over to Yejoonand your mom stood up and left the room to give you some privacy.

You sat to where your mom had been sitting when you arrived, and with the gentlest touch you couldmuster, you took Yejoon's hand in yours and kissed it. Your tears fell continuously now, as if a dam had been opened.

You sobbed as you clutched his hand against you, praying to the God of every religion you could think of. You couldn't lose your son. You wouldn't be able to recover if you do.

A knock pulled you away from your dark thoughts and you straightened up as a doctor entered the room, together with your mom.

Only the doctor entered the room, though. Your mom stayed at the door, leaving it ajar.

"Are you the mother?" The doctor quietly asked and you nodded, wiping away your tears and trying to control your sobs.

"May I know your blood type?" he asked again.

"B positive," you said in a cracked voice.

Please, let it be a match. Please, please, please.

The doctor sighed and shook his head.

"I'm sorry, ma'am, but you're not a match." He looked at you sadly and you had to exert every bit of self-restraint you have so you wouldn't break down.

"What should I do, then? Is there available blood anywhere? What type is compatible to him?" You tried to ask the doctor as calmly as you could but your voice kept on raising its pitch.

"Sadly, finding a blood supply is a little hard right now. We have a lot of dengue cases all over the country, and the list of those who buy blood is long. We could go ask buy anywhere but it would be on their pending list. You would have to wait for, let's say a week, before we could get the blood we need.

"If your son is an AB, finding blood would be easy. But he's an A positive so the only possible donors are also A or O." The doctor explained all of this while you just stood there and stared at the floor, barely absorbing anything.

Why aren't you an A. Or an O. Why do you have to be a freaking B.

You sighed in resignation. You could only hope that Namjoon was either of the two blood types, or you swear you're gonna rob a blood bank.

"When do we need the blood? What will happen if we didn't get it?" you asked quietly, calculating how long it would take to convince Namjoonand for him to go here.

"Actually, Yejoon is already non-threatening. He already had enough blood to help his organs to function. But he would still need more blood to help him recover faster, so he probably needs to have another blood ready tonight or tomorrow morning." You nodded at what the doctor said before thanking him.

He gave you an encouraging smile and patted your shoulder before leaving the room.

As soon as the doctor was gone, your mom entered the room again, staring at you. Once again, she left the door open.

You were about to tell her to close it when someone followed your mom inside. You didn't know if the small cry you let out was from shock or from joy. But one thing you knew, you didn't expect to see Namjoon at this time.

"What are you doing here?" You couldn't help but ask as you saw his towering frame entered the room.

"He told me he's your friend," your mom said, looking at you questioningly. You wonder whatNamjoon told her.

"I'm an A positive, Y/N. I can be a blood donor." He said this while staring at Yejoon, and you know that you had just confirmed his suspicions.

You let out a relieved sigh and you felt like hugging him in gratitude, but you held back. At your current situation, you didn't know if that would be acceptable.

"So, he's my son." Namjoon said it in a matter-of-fact voice that all you could do was nod. There's no point in denying it anymore.

You didn't plan for him to know this way but what's done was done. If things had gone smoothly, if might have found out about it last night.On your date.

But things went wrong.

Terribly wrong.

You looked up and saw your mom looking at Namjoon, an expression of shock in her face.

"Let's go to that doctor now. Let's tell him Yejoon has a donor."Namjoon turned and left the room without saying another thing.

Was he angry?

You wouldn't be shock if he was. And you wouldn't even care. Right now, you were just so happy he's here for Yejoon. He could hate you all he wants, as long as Yejoon was safe.

Sighing, you gave your mom a hug as she continued to stare at you in disbelief before you followedNamjoon out of the room.

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