Part 4

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It had been three years since your memorable encounter with Kim Namjoon but up until now, the memory of that night continued to haunt you. It's not that you wanted to forget it. Hell, no. For you, that was one of those moments you'd like to treasure forever. And if before, you were still confused about what you feel towards that event, now, it's all gone. You were sure you didn't regret it. You were thankful you decided to do it.

Though, there's a specific part you would very much want to forget.

This was a mistake.

Until now, those four words still made your heart ache. It still made you cry at night whenever you remember it.

Kim Namjoon really was a destroyer, huh? When they said he tended to break things that he touched, you never, even in a thousand years, thought that it also applied to your heart.

Sighing, you shook your head and focused again on your work. You stared at the blinking cursor on your screen. What was it that you were supposed to write again?

Ah. You had to write an article about this new clothing line that was making a hit right now. Formulating your sentences inside your head, you began to type the words in your computer.

You were working in an entertainment magazine as a writer and you like your job. Love it, even. But at times like this, when you all you wanted to do was lay on your bed and rest, you couldn't help but resent it. Writing was your first love, whether it was news articles or just for magazines like this. You love how words just continuously flow from your mind to your fingers, the feeling of speaking without having to talk... you love it.

But, even if you love the job so much, you could only enjoy it now. During your first three years at work, back when you were a fresh graduate, all you had in mind was to earn and save money. You didn't bother to savor the work you were so passionate about. You just wrote what has to be written, finished articles just for the sake of meeting your quota... there's no love in it before. All you cared about was to save enough money to finally meet your idols. And when it finally happened, you were left with a broken heart.

Despite all of those, that particular encounter also left you with something good. No, not just good. It gave you the best gift you could ever receive.

Smiling with that sudden thought, you continued to write your article, more excited than ever to finish your work and get home.

A good thirty minutes had passed before you wrote the conclusion of your article, saving it and sending it to your editor. Stretching your body a little, you shut down your computer before gathering your things and preparing to leave.

"You're done early, Y/N." One of your officemates - Nate - greetedyou, smiling. He, too, was busy typing inside his own cubicle, finishing his own stuff.

"Yep. I have to go home early today. There's a guy waiting for me," you said with a smile and a dreamy look which made him laugh.

"Yeah, right. Go to your beloved man now. I bet he's getting impatient. And say 'hi' to him for me, okay?" He gave you one last smile before returning his attention to his computer.

"Will do. Bye, Nate." Waving at him, you headed out of the office and went straight to your house.

"You're early," your mom said as soon as you entered, looking surprised.

"I don't have that much work today." Giving your mom a kiss on her cheeks, you immediately went inside your room to find Yejoon sleeping. Your heart gave a little jump as you stared at him, filling your chest with a warm sensation.It was so similar to that warmth you felt back when you were with Namjoon, but this one was stronger. Much, much stronger. This was what true love feels like. That feeling you felt before was just a shadow of what you're feeling right now.

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