Part 1

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As soon as your eyes metNamjoon's, no matter how brief it was, made everyone around you seemed to vanish. The crowd, the rest of Bangtan, their staffs... That's how much this guy affected you. Only the constant moving of the other fans was what kept you walking.

While you stared at Namjoon, a fan bumped into you, making you double-step to regain your balance and effectively pulling your attention back to reality. Shaking your head a little, you stood up straight and went to the other members first. You congratulated them and thanked them for giving such a wonderful performance. You also took some selca with them, one by one.

You were so happy while talking to the other members, but the excitement you felt when you were approaching Namjoon was greater. You could feel your hands trembling. You were ecstatic yet nervous at the same time.

"Hello," Namjoon said, greeting you with a smile, showing his very charming dimples.

When you were interacting with the other members, you felt happy but you were normal around them. You could talk to them and comprehend what they were saying. But right now, you felt like a total bonehead. You just gaped at him, taking in his beautiful smile... his twinkling eyes...

Namjoon chuckled at you and the sound of his laugh dragged you out of your own world.

"Hi," you said silently, smiling at him shyly.

He chuckled again, and you swore you'd melt if you could.

"You're cute," he said, ruffling your hair with his hand.

Your mind short-circuited with his words and actions. You felt like you were in Cloud9 already, floating like a free spirit.

"By the way, thank you for watching our concert, uh..." Namjoon spoke but paused, waiting for you to say your name.

"Uh... Y/N. It's Y/N," you said, still smiling of course.

"Y/N." He smiled. "Thanks again for watching. It's very much appreciated."

The sound of your name coming out from his lips was heavenly. It was like music to your ears, and ifhe would allow it, you'd very much like to listen to him say your name forever.

"The pleasure is mine, Namjoon... Oh, I mean, Rap Monster," you corrected yourself, panicking a little for casually calling him his real name.

"Call me Namjoon. It's okay," he said and you nodded, relieved. "So, did you enjoy the concert?"

"Oh, very much!" you replied excitedly, somehow getting over the fact that you were talking, really talking, to Namjoon. "I love each and every one of your performances! You guys really made us proud! Thank you for your wonderful performances!" you blabbered, the excitement getting the best of you.

Namjoon chuckled again, and this time, you joined him. The little chuckles turned into a full blown one, until finally, you were both laughing like crazy and every pair of eyes in the room were looking at the two of you.

"Okay. I so don't know what just happened," you said as you both calmed down.

"Me neither," Namjoon agreed. "But whatever it was, it's fun."

You nodded in agreement, still smiling at him.

This felt wonderful. You felt already close with your bias despite the fact that you had just met him. It's unusual... but it felt exhilarating.

While staring at him, you heard people bidding good bye and you looked back to see the other fans already heading out. So, the time for meet and greet was done.

You felt your heart grew heavy. You didn't want to leave yet. You're still enjoying this moment. But there's nothing you could do, though. You had to go.

Sighing, you looked back atNamjoon.

"I guess, I have to go now. Can I take a selca with you first? Cause, you know, after this night, I'll be returning to my country in just a few days so I'd very much appreciate this little remembrance." You didn't know why you just said that. Maybe because you really felt sad you wouldn't be able to see him again, lest you work your ass off for three years again so you could save enough money for plane ticktets, concert tickets and accommodation.

Namjoon looked shocked at what you said, his brows furrowing.

"You're not from here?" He stared at you more closely, bringing his face closer to yours that it made your heart skip a beat.

"No." Shaking your head, you smiled sadly at him.

"But you look Korean. Aren't you one?"

"I am," you told him. "I'm a half-breed," you joked, smiling at him. "But we are living in another country. Not here."

Namjoon pulled away, nodding. "Okay then. Let's take that selca."

You took your phone from your bag and walked closer to Namjoon. You were content to just posing near him when you felt an arm looped over your shoulders, pulling you closer.

Your eyes wide with shock, you looked at Namjoon to see him just smiling down at you.

"Click it now," he said before winking. And so, your chest at the edge of bursting, you gave your best smile and took the shot.

"Thank you," you said, looking at him again.

"No problem. Oh, by the way, can you leave last? Wait til every one is out." His brows furrowed as he asked you this, his eyes silently pleading.

Who would say 'no' to that?

"Oh, I would love to," you replied.

You two talked more while waiting for all the fans to leave until finally, you were the only one left. You talked about how you discovered their music. Talked about your favorite books and songs. You even found out you shared the same taste in music and literature, which was really, really great.

When everyone was gone, you sighed again in regret. There's no excuse to stay longer now.

"I'll leave now, Namjoon. Thanks for making me stay for a little bit longer. And it's really nice to finally meet and get to talk to you. I think we'll be great friends if I'm not from so far away." Namjoon's eyes then turned from being happy to somehow... dangerous.

"Don't go yet," he said in a serious voice.

What did just happen? The sudden change confused the hell out of you. But you had to admit. This side of Namjoon was hot.

Giving him a confused look,Namjoon turned to his members who were, not surprisingly, watching you two interact with each other.

"I'll be back. Wait for me," he told them before taking your arm in his hand and began walking.

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