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Louis POV

Thank you for everything you have done for me harry, you are one of the best people I could have ever met. All the moments we shared the subtle touches. The longing stares. The lust. Every moment spent with you was more than I ever deserved.

I hate it because you weren't even the one that broke it off between us. I was. I don't know what I was thinking. Was hiding from the public too much for me? Was it Simon trying to drive us apart? The constant taunting of fans, and the public? Not being able to keep our relationship private? What was it? Even I don't know.

You were with me every step of the way. And I failed you, I broke you. I regret everything about what I did and every day. You were the reason why I stayed. But then I made you leave, I made you leave.

When we first met in the battle of the bands I immediately knew I wanted to get to know you. You just had this thing about you, a charm that made me want to kiss you and love you.

When we saw each other again on X-factor I knew you were the one for me. Your curly hair. Your bright smile. Your angelic voice. Everything about you was- and is perfect. You were the one for me.

When we went through the x-factor together all the performances and living together made it 100 times more enjoyable. It was perfect. was. Until we started getting bigger. I was so happy being small and having fans. Simon just had to change our styles, personalities, looks. He molded us into his dream. He didn't give one fuck about us. How this affected our lives.

When the mobbing started to happen, the arena tours, the paparazzi, the interviews. Everything began to be too much. Our fans started to push us together, interviewers pushed us together, and the paparazzi started to ask questions. Every time they asked something about us it just made me want you more.

I wanted to do this on our own terms, but everyone just kept pushing at us. Everyone kept pushing us together.

You are just so perfect. Every time I watch one of your interviews or go to one of your shows I am so proud of you. Hell, I always was proud. You always had this confidence and this charm that could make everyone love you.

I didn't choose the right thing back then. I chose one direction, I hope now you know I would choose you. A million times over.

Harry Styles, I love you so much. I am so sorry for what I have done. I want to be with you. I hope you forgive me for everything I have done. 

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