Chp 17 - Painted Scenery

Start from the beginning

I knew it!

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I knew it!

Relief and calmness goes through my body, happy that the note-mystery has finally been solved.

But still, what a dick Ascian is.

He must have felt bored or some shit.

I put the note on my table and sat down on my chair. I look around my table, bored and thoughtful.

What should I do now? I'm off duty, but still have to stay at the castle if something suddenly happens...

I guess I could try painting?

That's something I do rarely, but at the same time it's one of the most soothing things I've done.

When I succeed at it, I mean...

I get up and go to my bed, getting on my knees. I reach my hand under my bed, finding the handle of the box I was looking for. I pull out the case that has all my paints. At the same time I pull out the easel I need.

Putting everything on their places, paints on the table and easel straight to keep the canvas up in front of me.

I look at the white canvas for a little while, thinking about what I could try to paint.

I've probably never painted much or at all with red and the other darker shades of it, the colors reminding me too much of blood. I really want to keep those memories out of my painting sessions.

After some thought, an idea pops up in my head.

I start with the base color, a greyish day with a little sun peeking through the clouds. Some mountains in the back, some containing snow and some only dark blue from the distance it has in the picture. When I get done with them, a few hours have already passed.

At some point I went to get some food, but quickly continued.

Now I got stopped by a needed bathroom break, but got back to work immediately.

For a few minutes, I forgot the picture I had in mind. I go through some other options but get back to the original idea, when it pops up again.

I painted a big field with flowers. Sunflowers to be exact. The field reaches far away, only a small pine tree forest stopping it from reaching the high blue mountains, but even the pine trees have to stop their reach for the tops.

There's a few other plants and flowers together with the sunflowers, but they don't take as much attention as the grey day with the yellow and orange-ish flowers.

By the time I get done with that, my legs are hurting and burning, standing still for too long.

I take a step back to look at the whole picture.

I'm not the best artist, but I can paint some. I'm pretty proud of this one, even close up it doesn't look horrible like some of my other works do. Though it definitely looks best from a little afar, the mistakes and colors blend together.

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