When You Reach 25

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Every strand of your hair symbolizes freedom.
You came to lose or to win,
not to pretend all the walks of life is beautiful.
It seems like the empty bottle
was drowned in the river,
knowing it would, unless the cork was broken.

You can never tell someone is happy,
by just looking at them.
Only you will know when you hear their story.

You struggle to double your strength,
Just to meet their expectations.
Try to consult the mirror and ask this question,
"Is this what I really want to do?"

You dedicate your love to make your plans work.
Challenges came across and you keep on going.
You've achieved your target but you felt less.
Does winning makes you happy?

Flowers bloomed in your garden,
Butterflies came to visit.
The smell circulates around the place,
Attracting more numbers to come forth.

You felt the tenderness of the sight,
Realizing the essence of gathering,
You remember your place,
"Am I really 25?"

PS. This short poem inspires me to look back and realize what I have been doing for 25 years of existence on this planet.😁

Sometimes, we felt that we are a failure, because we should be a  successful individual at the age of 25.

But to tell you the truth, nothing comes with no perfect timing...all comes at the perfect time, at the perfect moment and at the perfect YOU!😁🥰 GODSPEED!🙏

LOVE YOU ALL! Sunflowers 🌻♥️😘🥰

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