Meanwhile, Xeke was just sitting beside Cira, watching her heal Grath. Hakken was still sulking in the corner alone, while Sollel and Zassia were sitting on the ground, near the campfire.

"Teacher, how did you do it? I didn't know flame sorcerers could absorb body heat as well to heal someone!" Zassia looked and sounded so eager to learn. "You're so amazing!" A twinkle of reverence could be seen in Zassia's eyes as she stared at Sollel.

"I will teach it to you in due time," Sollel answered calmly, opposite to Zassia's excited tone. "For now, I will teach you the first thing you need to learn."

Zassia moved her body so she was facing Sollel. She was listening intently to her teacher's first lesson.

"First," Sollel said, looking at Zassia. "Don't be too trusting."

Zassia's excited face slowly disappeared. "Teacher..."

"Don't trust so easily, Zassia." Sollel raised her hand and tapped Zassia's head. "You're still young and have no experience how people and the world really work. I don't want you to get hurt since you're a good child. Be vigilant and don't give your trust so easily. Anyone can betray you, and it would be too late to regret."

Zassia just blinked at Sollel while listening.

"A second lesson from me," Sollel continued. "Do not go around prancing your belief on Queen Sollel. I don't want to see you get hurt because of it. You can pray to her in silence. I'm sure she will still appreciate long as you're sincere."

Zassia nodded.

"And third," Sollel said as she pulled her hand back, "don't betray the people who love you and care for you. You do not return love with pain. You do not return care with sorrow. And you do not return trust with betrayal. Adhere to all of this, and I will teach you everything I know. Keep these three close to your heart, and I'm sure Queen Sollel will be very happy with you."

Zassia nodded earnestly. "I will, teacher."

Sollel smiled. "Very well. Your fourth lesson will start tomorrow morning."

Zassia eagerly nodded and happily went to sleep while keeping her first three lessons close to her heart.

Alone, Sollel stared at the vast darkness in front of her. This barren land they were trying to cross was Gatria's resentment. Sollel couldn't help worrying if Gatria was in good condition.

Sollel touched the dead soil and whispered, "I'm coming to free you, Gatria. Wait for me."

Taking a deep breath, Sollel looked up at the sky. I wonder how everyone is doing. Aenwyn...Astrid...I will come and get you too. And I will burn anyone who will get in my way!


MORNING CAME and Grath finally recovered. Unfortunately, Cira was the one unconscious this time. She expended so much essence; of course, she would be out cold. Cira thought she could manage healing Grath—well, that was a miscalculation on her part.

So Grath carried Cira on his back as they traversed the hellish barren land again.

On the other hand, Zassia received her fourth lesson, and that was to drop her flame on the ground to follow her. It's a way to control one's flame, and there's no better place to practice it than in a barren land where nothing would be burned.

Zassia was doing it poorly, and she wanted to cry. But every time she wanted to give up, she would remember Queen Sollel's blessing and how much she didn't want to waste it. So she continued dropping her flame every time it was extinguished. She could only control her flame to follow her for a meter, and it would die down again. She had to drop another flame when this would happen, exhausting her so much, but she kept going on because she knew her teacher was observing her. She didn't want to disappoint her too.

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