pt2 Bus Scene

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Light yagami's pov

I took a seat, looking around I noticed people with the same uniform as me. This ment they were students. There was also A salary worker who looked to be in a bad mood.

The person sitting to my left separated by the bus pathway was a black haired girl with quite the apathetic look on her face.

She was currently reading
"Crime and punishment by fyodor dostoevsky" A story that debated whether it was right to kill someone, so long as it was done for the sake of justice.

All right than back to what I do know, I can't treat this the Same as my original world. technology is more safiticated in this era.

Luckily the me from this timeline has indeapth knowledge of it. So I wouldn't need to end up going to research how things work.

If I were to act as kira after graduation, my methods needed to change. I would have to adapt and use the current tools to my advantage.

Ryuk who was currently watching spoke up.
"a bus man does this bring memories, ya think they got apples at this school light"

There's no way I would be brought back from the dead just for a regular high school life.

Simply seeing me live my days appearing to be normal student while making plans and not discussing them would be boring.

a female voice was heard.

"Excuse me, but shouldn't you offer up your seat?"

I took a glance the bus seems to had seemed to gotten a lot more crowded, there I saw an old lady trembling with a cane looking as if she were to fall.

The voice in question was from a blonde haired girl.
And an office lady was also present.

A young, well-built blond man of high school age had sat down in one of the priority seats. The elderly woman stood right next to him.

He seemed to radiate arrogance.

"Hey, you there. Can't you see that this elderly woman is having trouble?" the office lady said.

"Why should I offer up my seat? There's no reason for me to do so."

"You're literally sitting in priority seating it natural to give up"

In the event that some of my future classmates are present in this bus it would do me well to make a good impression as someone who's not afraid, to take action.

"Excue me mis, you may take my seat I don't mind standing, someone like you shouldn't have to go through this",I said with both confidence and empathy that way I would look better.

"Oh how noble" said Ryuk sarcastically.

I walked up to the lady and helped her

The elderly lady said "Thanks young man I'm sorry for the trouble"

"Don't worry about it, it's the right thing to do so please relax" I said.

As Soon I had arrived I got up. I had seen this school online but this place was massive, the students were currently walking up stairs seemly to enter the building.

"Will I be able to eat apples with all this security and monitoring"

I whispered "I'm sure they have blindspots it's such a large institution, and if not we can make some"

I calmly walked forward but was stopped by someone

"hey! you wait!"a female voice said.

Before I could continue I was reached out to by the black haired girl from before.

"Can I help you with something?" I asked trying to indulge her request.

Ryuk "damm already, you haven't even entered the school yet, you work fast, I guess you really are popular heh heh"

She glared at me "you were looking at me. Why?"
Where's she going with this?.

Putting my hands on my chin I talked
"I saw you reading crime and punishment so I guess I was just curious"

Ryuk was currently invested at the interaction I was having.

"Also you weren't interested in offering your seat to the elderly lady may I know why" out of everyone I was the only one. people are still rotten.

The girl's tone turned sour "First of all That's right. I didn't consider giving it up. Is there something wrong with that?" she finished.

"I always do what's right" I bluntly stated.

"Do what's right? Well looks like you and I won't get along"
the raven haired girl respond. Something told me she was going to stick with that whether I looked at her or not.

She retorted even more "I'm simply acting on my beliefs. That's not so different from your sence of being right"

"I feel the Same way I too am acting on my beliefs" with that our conversation ended, as she left.

I entered the school I made my way to the entrance ceremony. The availability was expansive anything I could ask for was here, well mostly.

Even had a massive mall.

Looking back to my paper was my assigned class

Class 1-D.

(should i keep Ryuk with light during the story?)

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