यह निराशाजनक था

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India's reaction to Afghanistan's death
requested by GhanyaPakistan
yall have been asking for India a lot and now 3 chapter titles are in Hindi
here come the ridiculously large amount of TW
TW: talks about death, loss of a close friend, mentions of the Taliban, slight Xenophobia, cussing in Hindi and English, slight self blame
I'm too lazy to write the translations so some other Hindi speaker do it for me(my hands suffer while typing in Hindi)

India's POV

gone. She's gone. I had been close friends with her for so long. She was like a sibling to me. But now, it's all come to nothing. He killed her.

I thought he was just secretly funding and supporting the stupid fucking Taliban, but he crossed every limit and shot her.

'quick and painless' death my ass. Because of him, she and the Afghan people had to suffer for so long. And then there's NATO, fucking westerners can't control themselves can they.

They've never done any good for us South Asians, they themselves are the greatest example of my statement.

मैंने उसकी मदद करने की बहुत कोशिश की, लेकिन मैं असफल रहा। इस असफलता के कारण उसकी मृत्यु हो गई। मैंने अपनी असफलता के कारण अपने सबसे करीबी दोस्तों में से एक को खो दिया।

लगता है भाजपा सही थी, मैं कभी किसी का भला नहीं कर सकता।

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