ته غدار یې

453 7 11

requested by GhanyaPakistan
Pakistan murdering Afghanistan.
TW: murder, blood, mentions of the Taliban, cussing in Pashto(and English obviously), Xenophobia, gun shots and violence

DISCLAIMER: this was made for entertainment, there were no intentions on offending any country or any religion.


تاسو ما ته وویل چې تاسو زما سره مرسته کوئ. خو تاسو دروغ وایاست، تاسو ټول وخت دروغ وایاست. ته دروغجن!

Afghanistan yelled, one of the people she thought was helping her was only pretending. She didn't care about the gun pointed to her head, the Taliban had destroyed her country and spirits entirely, she and nothing and no one left.

بمشکل چند منٹوں میں اور آپ پہلے ہی مجھے مرنا چاہتے ہیں، کیا آپ نہیں؟ تم بہت افغانی بدل چکے ہو... تم بہت کمزور اور جذباتی ہو گئے ہو۔

Pakistan said as he put his index finger on the trigger, he could fire it at any moment.

Afghan's POV

he... he said he was going to help me. He and that foreign fuck said they were trying to help me. I never trusted the US, those fucking foreigners never had good intentions.

I thought Pakistan would be better, he was a fucking liar. He's the same as those foreign freaks.

That bitch, USSR started this when he put in a puppet government in my country. I thought the Soviet-Afghan war would be a warning to those foreigners to back off because I could handle my own country, but they just can't control themselves.

No wonder I was raised to hate foreigners. Their nothing but liars.

تاسو پوهیږئ چې څه؟ یوازې محرک کش کړئ. د خندا محرک راوباسئ او دا پای ته ورسوئ. تاسو به زما هیواد ستاسو ګوډاګی دولت ولرئ او زه به آزاد شم. بس دا کار وکړه.

His express slightly changed, he was a bit shocked. But he put on the same cold face as earlier.

The last thing I remember is the gun shot; my own blood flowing down my forehead as I felt everything go black.

This is it. Within a second, I died. I guess he had some sympathy to give me a quick death.

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