We lay in bed. "Can you hold me?" She asked in a small voice almost scared to ask me. I opened my arms and she laid her head on my chest and I wrapped my arms around her. "If someone hurt you, you can tell me." "I was drunk. I'm sorry." She said again. I pecked her head. "I'm glad you called me," I mumbled tracing patterns on her exposed arm. She snuggled into my embrace more. She may not want to talk but I can reassure her that she did the right thing by calling me. "I got you," I tell her as her breaths change telling me she had fallen asleep. 


I woke up before Liv, she was fast asleep still laid on my chest her legs laced with mine. I brushed her hair off her face, I admired how peaceful she looked which is a complete contrast to her state last night. 

She moved around a little. "Stop." She mumbled. "Baby?' "Please stop. Get off." She was still asleep. "Liv, you're safe." I continued to brush through her hair. Her legs kicked about getting tangled in the sheets. I helped her unwrap it from her legs giving her better movement and hoping it would reduce her panic. "You're safe," I whispered to her. She calmed down and went back to sleeping soundly. 

Her legs were littered in bruisers. Something happened last night. She was keeping something from me. "Nat?" She mumbled. "Morning." "What time is it?" She asked. "10," I tell her. "How's your head?" "Hurts but not too bad." She said moving further up my body her head now pushed into the crook of my neck. I smiled to myself at her actions she was so close to me, closer than she's ever been to me not physically we've been intimate but emotionally, her breath fanning lightly on my neck her nose nudged against it with each movement, she was right there and I had never been happier to have close to me safe in my arms. 

It felt weird. I didn't have people in my bed, I didn't do relationships like that. I did me, solo and meetups with people outside of my house. But it was nice, being able to hold her like this. Having her to wake up to someone to cuddle with in the morning fighting off the cold winter air tonight. "Please talk to me." "Have you seen my purse?" "It's down in the lounge." "Can I stay here? I don't want to see anyone." "Will you tell me what happened?" "Maybe." 

"Do you want me to get you, your purse?" She nodded. "Are you going to get off of me?" She nodded again before rolling over letting me get out. "You look cute in my top," I tell her before taking the stairs down to the main floor. 

I grab her water and aspirin and then got her purse and went back up. "Meds and water first." I hold them out to her and she sat up slowly. "You okay?" She nodded. "Tired." She took the meds and had a drink before making grabby hands at me. I give her, her purse. "You silly." She said. I chuckled but got back in bed. "You're needy." "I'm going to be today." She told me snuggling back into my chest.  I didn't mind, she was being cute like this and I liked being needed. 

She got her phone out and typed away on it. "Wanda is freaking out." She mumbled. "I'm going to tell her I hooked up with a guy." "Why a guy?" "I can say, girl." She shrugged. "Say what you want." I played with her hair as she typed away.

We changed positions so we were looking out at the city, I love my bedroom, the walls around my bed were pure glass, you could just watch the city from up here. "So are you going to tell me what happened?" "You're pushing me. Stop." "You called me at 3 AM crying... I think I'm allowed to be pushy right now." I tell her. "What happened?" "Dylan." "Dylan? I'm going to need more to go off of." "I was looking for Wanda and he told me she was upstairs... I think. It's a little blurry." I knew where this was going. I knew where this was going before she even mentioned a name. "She wasn't up there and he locked the door and... It doesn't matter okay." I pecked the top of her head. "Did he...?" "No... I kicked him off of me and left." "I'm going to kick his ass." "Please don't. I don't want anyone to know." "You need to report this." "My friends are part of the frat house one more bad thing and there closed and Bucky has nowhere to live and most of the guys there are nice guys." "They're nice to you because they want to sleep with you," I mumbled. "Well, it's a good job I don't want to sleep with them." She assured me. 

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