2: RedStone Cafè

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Wanda and I were both sitting at our desks, we were scrolling through our extra credit classes we had to pick one by the end of the day, we had been putting it off this whole week. There were so many classes to pick from and neither of us had any clue what to do. 

"What about dance?" "No," I say laughing. "How about public speaking?" That would actually be good for me since I'm studying law and I'll have to speak publicly in order to do that and I guess picking that elective will give me experience in the matter. "I get far too nervous for that," Wanda says. "What do you like doing?" I asked her spinning on my chair to face her. 

"Reading?" "Well that's a given but the book clubs are all full that's why we're in this mess." "We really should have done this the first day." She tells me. "We went sightseeing that day, who knew they'd be so many readers at this school." I defended our choices though they were all poor choices. "I like music." "Me too!" We both turn back to our computers to look for the music electives. "All full." She says huffing. "Cooking. I like to cook." She said I didn't like to cook. "There's space!" She gets excited. "You should sign up!" I encouraged. "Will you do it with me?" "Cookings not my thing but you'll make friends in your class. Don't worry." I tell her with a soft smile. She nodded. "Okay, yeah, everyone's new right." "Exactly." I kept scrolling through. 

"I think I'm going to take Russian." "Russian?" She asked pulling a face as she sat on the end of my bed right next to me. "Yeah, I mean I speak it already, I'm a little rusty but I could pick it up real fast," I explained. "But it's it boring. Don't you want a fun elective, like art or- "All the fun classes are taken, besides languages are fun to me. And my mum was Russian she'd want me to learn how to speak it properly." "True, if you find it fun you should do it." I nodded, looking up the class I selected it. "Natasha Romanoff." I readout. "She's head of Languages," Wanda tells me. "My brother took the class, he dropped out after two weeks." "Why?" "He only took the class because she was hot." I scoffed. "That's the only reason why anybody takes her classes. Apparently, by the time the second week is up, there's like 4 people left in the classes. The Russian class is typically completely empty." She warns me. "It's a difficult language to learn," I tell her she nodded. I don't know how I felt about being the only one left in the class. Besides it being one on one learning it could get boring. And I wouldn't make friends. 

I hesitated before clicking the confirm button to sign myself up for the class but decided to do it. I enjoyed it and I shouldn't be put off just because others didn't. "Who do you have?" "Peppa Potts." She reads from the computer. "Matilda from the netball team said she had her 1st year, she's really sweet," I tell her she looked relieved. 

"So task one completed today," She says closing the laptop. "It only took 5 billion hours," I say closing my laptop and pushing my chair to the middle of the room so I could spin around without knocking anything. "What's next?" "Reading corner," I say pointing to the empty corner on my side of the room. We've decided we wanted a little chair or something so we had a comfy place that wasn't our bed to read. "We should change first." She tells me, I scanned be of our outfits, sweats and messy buns. "Yeah," I say standing up. We both took quick showers and changed for the day before heading out on the hunt for a reading chair. 


New York was a busy city, I hooked my arm through Wanda's out of fear of getting swept away by the traffic of people. She looked at me and smiled. "You'll get used to it." She tells me as we walked, I felt warmer being closer to her the wind wasn't biting at my cheeks as much and her body heat was keeping me warm. 

We went in and out of stores all afternoon. "Do you want to go to the cafe? Get a drink to warm up." I nodded agreeing, she pulled me along with her clearly already having a spot in mind. Redstone Café. I read before we went inside. 

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