[3] Senpai, But why?

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It was quite the grey and gloomy day at Sakura Highschool as Lunchtime had rolled around.

Natsuri didn't want to tell her friends about Anzu. Of course, she didn't! Then she'd have to admit she'd been stalking Anzu as well. Which yeah, she could just not mention it but she'd rather not raise suspicion. 

Anzu on the other hand was thinking about the previous afternoon non-stop. She was walking down the halls of the third floor of the school. Her lunch was usually spent wandering the halls for troublemakers and making reports to the student council. Suddenly, Koneko turned the corner of the hallway that Anzu was walking in, leading the two to meet.

''Ah, Anzuna. Doing your rounds, I see.'' The student council president said with a tolerant smile as her golden blonde bangs laid perfectly on her forehead. ''Yes, Ma'am. I don't exactly have much else to do, after all.'' Anzu snarkily replied, hiding her urge to chuckle. Koneko eyed her up and down as she put her hands on her hips and giggled slightly before saying, ''You like someone. It's written all over your face, Anzuna. I won't judge but as long as It doesn't get in the way of your student council duties...'' Anzu cut her off as she exclaimed with a smirk, ''You wouldn't guess my crush even if you tried.'' to that of which Koneko burst out laughing, almost maniacally. ''Oh Hunny, I wouldn't have to guess. I have my sources, so I could just have someone else find out for me.''  Koneko seemed like the perfect person from the outside. Smart, brave and beautiful. But nobody knew that she was a conniving bitch capable of quite literally, anything. Everything she's wanted, she's gotten. Anzu gave an annoyed stare as she sighed and finished their conversation, ''I'll be getting back to my patrol.'' with Koneko finalising, ''You do that.'' as they both went their separate ways for now.

Unfortunately, the nightmare that was lunch patrol wasn't over yet. Anzu noticed a student sitting in the hallway, blocking someone's locker. It was none other than Genjiro Fumetsui. He wasn't special in any way and was a simple rebellious teenager, though he was a thorn in the side of the student council. ''Fumetsui, We have warned you about blocking lockers during in-between class periods on multiple occasions. This will be your last warning before  I inform the Principal.'' Anzu said in a stern voice. ''Someone's annoyed.'' Genjiro laughed as Anzu was about to snap.

This is when Natsuri was on her way to her locker to grab her headphones. She noticed someone was there and decided to hide and listen in. 

''Look, I'm really not in the mood. So please, get up and go somewhere else. NOW.'' Anzu raised her voice as Genjiro rolled his eyes and said, ''Nah. Y'know, you're more strict than most of the teachers! And that in itself is hilarious!'' Genjiro laughed. That was the second time somebody laughed at her that day and although it wasn't the end of the world, she had had enough.

Natsuri watched as they argued for a few minutes. The moment the bell went, Anzu dragged him up and she headed to class. Natsuri noticed that Genjiro hadn't moved. Her blood boiled hotter than the firey sea as she stepped closer to Genjiro, revealing herself from the shadows. ''Huh- Oh, Mizu-chan!'' He said as he saw her coming closer and closer. She grabbed his shirt, pulling him closer to her face as he made his eyes wide and comedically said, ''We 'bout to kiss right now?'' as Natsuri's face looked like it was about to burst. Natsuri started to growl as she said in the most antagonising tone, ''I'm gonna kill you.''. Genjiro's eyes went wider as he started to run. He knew she was serious because of the look in her eyes. That look alone was enough to kill someone.

He ran down the hall as Natsuri chased him with but one goal in mind. They made it to the back entrance of the school, where most of the sports club members would walk by to gather for their meeting. But today wasn't the day that the sports club meetings took place... Despite this fact, the weather didn't fail to set the mood perfectly as lightning started to strike along with heavy rain looming over Sakura Highschool. It was indeed a gloomy day.

To Natsuri's utter convenience, there was a sharp glass shard right near the dumpsters. The moment she noticed it, she grabbed it, ran for the back of Genjiro and held onto his hoodie. He fell back and the impact of hitting his head made him light-headed. Natsuri took this opportunity to inherit all of her strength into the shard as she knelt down with such speed and force that she almost went all the way through Genjiro's chest. She kept stabbing, letting her anger out. She ended up having to slash his throat to finish the job because of the lack of space for a new stab wound. Before his final breath, Genjiro muttered out ''You're a monster...'' as Natsuri dropped the shard, looked at the blood on her hands and then at Genjiro's dying face. She smiled and replied, ''If that's what it takes...'' as she struggled to hold in a psychotic laugh. Genjiro coughed up blood one last time, as his face had gone pale, his head fell to the ground and his eyes closed for the last time.

Natsuri didn't care about what she had done. She would do it a million times over if it meant protecting Anzu's dignity. She then realised she couldn't just leave the body where it was. She dragged it into the dumpster and used her hoodie to clean up all the blood around the area and on her face and hands. She then stuffed her hoodie in her bag as she remembered she still didn't get her headphones AND she missed class. Oh well, last class of the day after all so it really didn't matter. 

Anzu went home as normal as she had no clue about the events that went on next to the dumpster. Natsuri, of course, did her stalking on Anzu. She loved her. Wanted to protect her. Would do anything for her. Even... Even if it meant committing billions of felonies over and over again just to prove her love. 

Perhaps these two were made for each other, after all.

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