[2] Senpai, You what?

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Being a skilled gamer, Natsuri played as many games as she could throughout the day. Even during school. This led to her memorizing her way to the bench where she meets her friends.

''I hate that Ayaka is on the student council now... She stopped me on my way through the gate because apparently, my skirt is too short!'' Rei complained as Hanako agreed, getting her guitar out. ''I know! She totally made up the rule about no instruments outside of the music club!'' Hanako continued to play various melodies on her guitar, most of which she wrote herself. ''Ayaka should've stayed as a teacher's pet. Making her a student council member has given her way too much power!'' Rei continued as she got out her phone and did her daily check-in with Instagram. 

Suddenly, somebody came over and swiped Rei's phone out of her hands. ''Hey!'' She said instinctively. The one who took Rei's phone was none other than Anzu, the second-in-command to the student council president. ''No social media on school grounds. You can collect this from me in the student councils room at the end of the day.'' Anzu said sternly as she put Rei's phone in a basket with other people's phones in. As Rei scoffed, annoyed, Anzu looked over to Natsuri. ''No gaming systems outside of the boardgames club or during school time.'' For some reason, Anzu didn't take Natsuri's gaming console away but she did give her a warning slip, sticking it on the screen and making Natsuri lose in her game. ''Huh-'' Natsuri looked around as she was broken from her gaming trance. 

''Hey! Why'd you take my device and not hers?!'' Rei exclaimed but Hanako burst out laughing, teasing Rei about the situation. Natsuri looked at what was on the 'warning' note. Suddenly, her cheeks blew up a bright red as she saw a string of numbers with Anzu's name next to it. 'Did Anzu just give me her phone number...?!' Natsuri thought.

She looked back up to see her friends in a... disagreement. Instead of acknowledging it, Natsuri put the slip in her bag and respawned in her game. 

Now I know what you're thinking here. The most important question of all... Did Natsuri win in her game? Of course, she did, she always does! But back to the real important question that you may be asking... Why did Anzu let Natsuri off?

Meanwhile, back at the student councils room. ''Why did you let that lazy gamer girl off! I'm telling the student council president! You might just be kicked off the student council for this discretion.'' An annoying girl wearing a blue, neat and tidy bun with the name of Ayaka Kokushi had shouted at Anzu. However, Anzu being the second-in-command, was a higher power and oh, poor Ayaka, did she know it. ''Actually Kokushi, Natsuri wasn't technically breaking a rule by using her device before class time. And unless you haven't noticed, she uses headphones, thus not disturbing our peers. And one more thing, I could also tell Koneko, the student council president, about your discretions of making up rules for your own superiority over students.'' Anzu finished with a devilish smirk. Ayaka stuttered, replying with ''Fine, I won't say a word!'' before running off.  

~{ After School }~

When school finally finished, Rei collected her phone from the student council item basket before walking home with Hanako. Natsuri however, followed Anzu on her strange new route, stalking her once again. Anzu almost never takes the train home.

Just before the train arrived, Natsuri remembered that Anzu had given her her number. She got out her phone, adding it to her contacts. She stops staring at her senpai's newly-acquired phone number as the trains' screeching stop was heard.

Natsuri got on the train after a few people closed the gap between her and Anzu. Natsuri sat a few rows behind Anzu, questioning if she should text her, to say hi.

After a while, the train came to a sudden halt for its first stop. Natsuri jumped as she almost dropped her phone. It fumbled between her fingers as she rushes to bend down and catch it, and she does so successfully. 

Unfortunately, Natsuri accidentally sent Anzu a photo. A picture of the back of her head. 

Anzu looked down at her phone and oddly enough, smiled. After a few seconds, she sent Natsuri multiple photos back, images of Natsuri doing various regular activities like gaming, sleeping, eating, reading and walking out of a grocery store with last week's dinner.

Anzu then looked back to where Natsuri was sitting. Wide-eyed, Natsuri stared at Anzu, not knowing what to say.

''You're not the only one who likes to stalk their crushes,'' Anzu said in a teasing tone. 

Natsuri's cheeks started to glow a bright red, heart beating faster than the train was going. Natsuri's sight was blurred as the train suddenly came to its next stop. Before she could even blink, Natsuri noticed that Anzu had left. Of course, this was her stop. 

Natsuri sat back on the trains seat, processing what had just happened. Looking at her phone and the photos Anzu sent her back, then turning it off as she looks out the window of the train. Watching as the dancing trees, grey clouds and various bland buildings swoop by along with the sky turning darker shades of blue. 

Finally, Natsuri thought of what this development meant. She smiled, imagining Anzu confessing her love to her until the train stopped. This time, Natsuri getting off.

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