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A/n - I'm fully aware that Mrs Weasley wasn't in the original order of the phoenix but now she is :)

Charlie's POV:

"Hey man, what's wrong?" Mark said running after me. Olivia had just lost it on me, and yeah, I was angry, I had done nothing wrong and done nothing to upset her, but she still gave out to me.

"What?" I said twirling around

"What's wrong, I saw you storm off?" Mark said stopping in front of me

"Nothing I just have to go" I said, turning around and walking back towards the outside of the dragon reserve.

"Where are you going?"

"I need to talk to a girl"

"Dude, your girlfriend is literally right over there, and if you have a question, I don't think there's a smarter person for miles"

"No, no, definitely not her"

"Oh I see" mark said, his mouth making an 'o' shape with realisation "your having lady problems" mark said running ahead of me and jumping on the trailer that was in front of me, and he sat down on the ledge, his legs dangling down.
"Why don't you talk to me about it? I'm the best when it comes to women"

"You've never been in a relationship longer than a month"

"True, but! Because of that, I know a lot about women, and every type of women"

"Thanks mark, but I need to talk to my mum about this, she knows best" I said walking past the trailer,

"Alright but, I don't think Olivia will be too happy when she finds out that you've gone when she needs your help"

"I'll survive" I shouted back behind me as I continued walking out of the dragon reserve until I was outside of the boundaries so I could disapperate.

A moment later I was home. The burrow stood just as tall as I remember. The sun was slowly setting in the distance, filling the sky with hues of yellows and oranges. I walked forward and pushed open the tattered old wooden gate, and closed it behind me.

As I walked up to the back door, I could see mum buzzing around the kitchen cleaning.
I knocked on the door, and two seconds later mum pulled it open.

"Charlie!" She yelled, a smile spreading across her face. "Oh my god, it's wonderful to see you honey" I bent down as she leaned up to hug me.

"Hi mum" I said, trying to muster up a smile but failing

"Oh honey what's wrong?" She said, pulling away but leaving her hands on my shoulders as she looked up into my face.

"Can I talk to you?" I asked.

Mum brought me in and sat me down at the kitchen table, and it wasn't long before there was two cups of tea on the table and she was sitting across from me.

"You know I never thought you would be having girl problems" mum said as she sat down

"How do you know I'm having girl problems?" I questioned

"Oh I've had these conversations many times with your brothers"


"Yeah" she said nodding her head "bill, Fred, George even Percy, but to be honest I never thought I would be having it with you, everyone always thought you would stay single forever, that you'd found your love with the dragons, but I have a sneaky suspicion that this is about Olivia"

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