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"Olivia slow down!" Charlie said chasing me out of the canteen.

"Yeah?" I said turning around

"Where are you going?" Charlie said coming to a stop in front of me.

"The longer we spend talking about the missing dragons the further away the get" I said starting to walk backwards

"How long will you be?" Charlie said catching up with me and holding both of my hands

"I don't know, an hour maybe?"

"Alright, well it won't be long until the ministry and writers for the daily prophet show up, what should I tell them"

"Tell them what happened" I said smiling and winking before I ran off to the cave that Artemis was in.

"lumos arifa" I said pointing my wand at the roof of the cave. Several balls of silvery light shot out from the tip of my wand and attached themselves to the roof, causing light to fill the room.

"Artemis!" I said, as he walked over to me.
"Can you fly buddy?" I said running my hand along his left wing. Artemis let out a low, short growl raising his wings out to full span.
I ran my finger over where he was hit by a spell but it caused Artemis to wince.

"I don't think so bud" I said scratching his nose
"I'm gonna go back and get Falkor, so just rest up and I'll be back soon" I said and walked back out of the cave, and flicking my wand causing all the balls of light to fly back into my wand, before I disapperated to Hogwarts.

Something you should know is first I'm really good at apperating, one of the best, and that's how Me and Dumbledore are the only ones that can apperate and disapperate in and out of Hogwarts but it's Dumbledore's spell so he can bend it as much as he wants when he's apperateing, but I can't. So yes I can apperate into the Hogwarts grounds but it's extremely hard to control where I apperate in the Hogwarts grounds, like most of the time I get it in and around the place where I want to go. But when ever there's a lot on my mind I can mess it up and apperate in the completely wrong place.......which is what happened today.

I closed my eyes while apperating and the tearing sensation came over me before I felt my feet hit the ground. My ears filled with the sound of talk, cutlery hitting plates and footsteps.

I opened my eyes and looked around as the talking stopped. I had apperated right onto the ravenclaw table. My left foot was on a plate of rashers and everyone in the hall was looking at me.

"Sorry" I said slowly climbing down from the table. "Just excuse me" I said casually walking out of the great hall.

"Anderson" I heard a ruff voice whisper yell from behind me, and the clank of wood hitting the stone floor.
I turned around and moody was walking towards me, leaning heavily on his walking stick.

"Mad eye" I said turning and smiling.

"I don't have much time you see" he said wiping his nose "gotta class, you know all about that, but I saw your headlines in the daily prophet this morning, about Romania? You where here, I saw you - I mean like I was talking to you before ya went into the forest and it says you where in Romania by the end of the fight? How'd you get ther do quick?" He said in his scratchy voice.

"I flew"

"On wha?" He said, typical old moody, wanting to know everything about everyone.

"Artemis" I said lowering my voice

"Ahh, come here to me now, how did you just appear in the great hall just now? I though you couldn't apperate within the Hogwarts grounds?" He said wiping his nose again

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