Chapter 1: Finding out

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It has been two weeks now since Mitsuki got sick, the first week Mitsuki just taught that she were sick but the second week Mitsuki started to think it might be something serious, or that she's pregnant, but that is very unlikely. Because all the sex she have had been protected and they have been careful.

"Masaru honey can you come here, now and fast please!" Mitsuki yelled from their bathroom that is connected to their bedroom. "I'm on my way to you now". Masaru answers.

"What's wrong?" He asked.
"I think I might have caught some bad stomach bug, and it hurts really bad" Mitsuki half cried out. "Do you need to go to the hospital?!" Masaru asked as he started to panicked. "Yes, I definitely need to" Mitsuki answered.


When they arrived at the hospital a nurse called Niki came and escorted Mitsuki to another room where they did some tests on her.

Masaru is pacing around in the waiting room where some other people are sitting, soon the same nurse as escorted Mitsuki entered the waiting area. "Masaru Bakugou" she calls out,
Masaru quickly goes over to the nurse.
"If you just follow me we will see your wife shortly" the nurse says.
Niki starts to walk out of the room and through some corridors with Masaru just of her heel, they arrived to a door with the number 057 on, "Your wife is in this room, Doctor Sasuki will be waiting for you inside and he's going to explain everything to you", the nurse said with a smal smile on her lips.

When masaru opened the white door he could hear when it squeak quietly, when he entered the room he was greeted by a doctor. "Good evening Mr Bakugou my name is Sasuki and as Niki probably said before I will be explaining everything to you.
"Doctor Sasuki do you know what's wrong with my wife", Masaru asked as he got more stressed by the second. "Yes, as I just said I will be explaining everything to you, your wife has a mild food poisoning but it's nothing to be worried about and it will be over anytime soon". Sasuki said. "Then why is she so sick" Masaru said as he started to raise his voice.
"Their is no need to raise your voice Mr Bakugou, I was just coming to that, we did an ultrasound since we had our suspicions, and it turns out that your wife is 2 ½ moths pregnant, that probably why she has been so sick." Sasuki said. "What did you just say"

"Your wife is pre-" Sasuki started

"Yes I know I heard!" Masaru said, but as soon as it came out he regretted it, he was just so shocked right now.
"Sorry I didn't mean to raise my voice at you", Masaru said in a calmer voice.
"It's nothing to worry about Mr Bakugou, I understand thet it can be a bit stressing".


"I'm pregnant" Mitsuki said as she let a tear out. She saw how Masaru started to cry too, so she went in for a hug, they stayed in that position for a while before Masaru broke the hug. Instead he started to kiss Mitsuki all over her face and saying how much he loved her over and over again.


When they got home and calmed down they remembered that they still have Katsuki and they wondered how he  would feel.
"Do you remember when Katsuki was little, he always told us about how much he wanted to have a little sibling? And how he said he would always protect them" Mitsuki asked. "Of course I do that was all he ever talked about, and I remember how sad he was when we said that he probably wouldn't get a sibling because you have a hard time getting pregnant. "
"I think this would be a lovely surprise for him, he will finally have the younger sibling he always wanted." Mitsukis said.

"Now we just got to wait for him to come home so we can tell him about the news" Masaru said. Not to soon after they  heard a click from the front door and than a.
"Katsuki get your butt to the living room, and don't forget to lock the door!" Mitsuki yells from the living room. "Yeah, yeah I'm coming" hears from Katsuki as Mitsuki and Masaru starts to hear footsteps coming their way, "What is it old hag" he says walking into the living area. "Well we have a little surprise you" said Masaru with a big grin on his face. "Well what is it old man".

"You know how your mother have been feeling a bit under the weather lately"
"Yes I know, can you get to the point already" Katsuki said in a bit of an  irritated voice.
"Well it turns out that she's pregnant" Masaru says with a big smile on his face waiting for Katsuki's reaction.
"Oh she's just been pregn... WAIT YOUR WHATTT!!?" Katsuki screams right in Mitsukis face. "Katsuki there is no need to scream" Mitsukis says with an firm voice.

"So that means I'm going to be a big brother?" Katsuki says with a bit of a shaky voice. "Yes you are, are you excited?" Masaru says tilting his head a bit to the right. Katsuki didn't answer the question he was just so happy so he ran and hugged his mom. Mitsukis jumped a little because she wasn't prepared, but she hugged back right after, Masaru joined them in the hug not to soon after.

"So do you know if it's a girl or a boy yet", Katsuki asked pulling himself away from the hug.
"No we don't know yet, I'm only 10 weeks pregnant we won't know before at least 15 weeks", Mitsukis answer as she ruffled Katsukis hair.

(993 words)

Authors note:
I'm going to rewrite this whole story because It was so bad and it didn't make any sens.
I'm going to be updating more often too.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Apr 15, 2023 ⏰

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