Chapter Eleven

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TW: Blood, Torture

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TW: Blood, Torture

"Has he woke up?" Namjoon asks, seeing his boyfriend walk out of the medical room. The elder shakes his head, a sigh escaping his lips. He comes to lay his forehead onto the younger's shoulder. The other wraps his arms around his waist.

"We've been telling him that one day he'd be killed. Now, he's gripping onto life. I hate this."

Namjoon lifts a hand, running his fingers through the older's hair. He knows it is hard for him to save lives everyday only to end them with his other job. It hurts him even more when he is in charge of saving someone's he close to. "Can I see him?"

The older nods, taking Joon's hand into his own and pulling him into the room. The boy lays on the white sheets, nearly as pale as the sheets under him. A bandage is covering the right side of his face, a bit of blood staining it. As Namjoon's eyes lower, he sees another bandage on the boy's left arm. He can tell it was a deep wound, one that required stitches. There's no telling what else laid below the covers.

An iv drip hangs on his right side, delivering some powerful medicine to help numb the pain. Namjoon releases a sigh, worry in his eyes. He knows Hoseok isn't going to like the sight of Jungkook laying in this bed.


A man sits tied up to a chair, his hands pulled back behind his body. Hoseok crouches down in front of him, meeting his eyes and tilting his head to the side. "So you won't speak?"

The man shakes his head, his lips seal tightly. Hoseok sighs, standing up and tsks, clicking his tongue. "You should already know what happens to the people who refuse to speak to me." He turns on his heel suddenly, swinging his fist and hitting the guy straight in the face. He keeps going, anger in his veins.

"Who's responsible for my father's death?!" He shouts, venom in his voice. Someone pulls him back, wrapping their arms around the front of his body. "Stop, Hoseok. Breathe." It's Joon. He must be done visiting Jungkook and came directly here when he heard what's going on. The older tries to escape the other's grip. "No! Let me go back! I need to know."

The two suddenly go quiet when they hear the suspect laugh. He spits out some blood from his mouth, moving to meet Hoseok's gaze. "Sir, you don't even realize the killer is right under your nose. How do you expect to win when you can't notice small details?" Everything seems to blur, making the mafia leader go over the recent events in his head.

He slowly leaves the room, Namjoon telling the others to take care of the man as he walks by to follow his friend.

"Hoseok?" The older shakes his head, heading to the room to see the youngest. A sigh escapes his lips, his eyes trailing over Jungkook's body. The younger is now awake, eating some food that Jin gave to him. Despite the injuries, the boy is smiling and joking with his hyung.

Hoseok smiles a little, approaching him and patting the younger's head. "Hobi hyung!" He looks up at him, but slowly the smile fades. "You want to know what happened." It was a statement. Jungkook knows that the older wants to know the events of the past few days. He sits his chopsticks down, clearing his throat.

"Kookie, you don't have to right now.." the younger shakes his head.

"I want to."


Jungkook walks into the bar, finally having some spare money to go for a drink. He nods at some of the customers, walking up to the bar. He pulls his hat down more, trying to hide his appearance a little more. He pulls his mask down as he orders a drink. He didn't want anything too strong, knowing he still has to drive his bike home.

A sigh escapes his lips, waiting for his beverage to arrive. He taps his fingers on the counter, looking at the tv screen above everyone's heads on the wall.

While he's busy watching the game on the screen, his eyes aren't focused on what's going on behind the counter. "Put this in there." A person hands a small slip across the bar, handing it to the worker. They slide money over to bartender as well, offering to pay them for the work. A smirk forms on the person's face, glad they were going to listen.

The drink is carried back over to the unsuspecting boy. He thanks the bartender, lifting the cup up to his lips. He takes a drink, relishing in the taste. He finishes the drink off, sitting the cup back down. After a few minutes pass, he starts to feel strange. His head spinning. He gets up, stumbling to the exit.

"Where do you think you're going?" He hears someone ask before everything goes black.

When he wakes up, his wrists are tied behind his back. He doesn't have a shirt on and the room is darkly lit. "He's awake, boss." He looks up, seeing a man walking into the room. He's wearing a suit, obviously not into doing the work himself.

"You're awake, Jeon." The younger's eyes widen. How did this man know his last name? He doesn't know him. This is bad. He starts to pull at the restraints, starting to panic silently. "You aren't going anywhere. I'm awake that you keep murdering the men in my group. Now, I have a hold of you."

He picks up a dagger, walking closer and dragging it across the boy's face. Jungkook bites his bottom lip, not letting a sound escaping him. "I can do whatever I want with you now." The man lets out a dark chuckle, moving to drag the dagger in the boy's left arm. It's deeper and it hurt more. Blood gushes out, hitting the floor.

The man continues to torture Jungkook up until he passes out from blood loss.


"I soon woke up to an empty room. It was a few days afterwards. I escaped and got as far as I could up until Jin and Namjoon Hyung found me," he finishes explaining, his grip tightening onto the sheets on his lap.

Hoseok rubs his shoulder, looking at Joon across from him. He got the message, going out of the room. "We will find them, Jungkookie. Get some rest." He soon leaves the room, following after the other.

"Yes. Do it. It will distract him long enough."

The group of people got the word from their boss. One grabs what they need from the storage, walking out of the room. Someone shouts "clear" and a bomb goes off.

Screams. Noise. Fire.

They run, jumping into the car and making a get away.


Yoongi hangs up on the phone, walking out of the apartment. He knows that will do enough damage to distract Hoseok so they can get the suspect out of the base of the Eternals. He leaves the phone at his apartment, knowing he can't bring that with him. It was time for him to make some moves himself, to gain trust and get closer to the files inside their database.


Word Count: 1,214

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