Chapter 2

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Doha. Once a vibrant city on the Persian Golf with over a million people living there and a few months ago it was abandoned. Countless sandstorms hit the city regularly and a few months ago, it was decided to abandon the city as the costs were doomed to high, it's citizens becoming No-Pats themselves. "If it's not profitable, it will be eradicated." James muttered, seeing the coast from afar. Just like in London. Corruption and political infighting made it impossible to fund a seawall for the protection of the capital, like they did with Singapur.

His team was assembled on the main deck and he turned around and met them inside the armory. Dozer was handing out weapons and Irish spoke to his soldiers. "My brothers and sisters, I hope you understand the importance of our mission. Failure is not an option."

"Yes Sir." they all answered. They all understood very well.

"Good. James, Maria, Boris and Paik, you are with me. I need your skills when we want to reach and destroy that satellite. The rest of us will give covering fire. Rao will provide recon from the Exodus  bridge."

"Any idea how we get through the Russian and Americans?" Jack asked.

"I contacted the American commander in the region. He too is a fellow No-Pat and has accepted our help. Of course, we are not actually  going to help recover the weapon."

All soldiers looked confused at each other. "I thought we aren't going to help them." Emma asked.

Irish shrugged. "Sometimes the only way to stop a war is to get in the middle of it. If that means helping one side today and another tomorrow, so be it. We are the adaptation." he picked up his gun. "Not like they will allow us to keep the weapon. Now get ready. I will meet you at the helicopter."

"What will be your poison?" Dozer joked to James. He looked around and eventually picked up and AK-24, the successor of the famous AK-47 and its modern AK-12 version. „A good gun, if you know how to use it." Dozer commented.

James attached a Red-Dot Visor and a Laser Pointer to his gun. "I'm familiar with it." he assured him and left for the heli, waiting for the others.

As the were flying closer to Doha, James saw the Football stadium. It was first used during the World cup in 2022, now it was almost submerged in sand. Such a shame.

"We are here." the pilot informed them and landed at the city border and jumped out. "Let's go." Irish commanded. Following his commanding officer into battle reminded James of his time in the Navy. It just... felt right. He was used to it, the thrill, the danger. Such things leave a mark on everyone.

Was it another reason why he answer Irishs' call? No, it wasn't. Still, he found himself doing something he was good at. Something to be proud of.

Something that could save the world.

"Look at that." Boris said as they reached the top of a dune, ripping James free from his thoughts and back to reality. All five ducked down and observed the Russian and American forces below, clashing into each other.

"Great. So much for avoiding a war." James muttered, but it was loud enough that everyone heard it.

"They haven't spotted us yet. Come on." Irish ordered them. Rao called and informed them that the way ahead was clear so they moved quickly, before the opportunity was lost.

The rocky terrain proved difficult for them, given the weapons and equipment they were carrying. Yet, they could already see the remains of the satellite just ahead.

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